Tuesday, November 11, 2014

✿ BLOG TOUR: Heart of Marley by T.K. Leigh + GIVEAWAY✿

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Title: Heart of Marley
Author: T.K. Leigh
Release Date: November 3, 2014
Genre: New Adult/Romantic Suspense


To the moon and back…

From the stars to the ocean…

That was Marley and Cameron Bowen’s secret code.

Twins born just five minutes apart, they have the perfect life… Until tragedy strikes just weeks after their eighth birthday and their father is killed by a drunk driver. Having trouble coping with the loss of her soul mate, their mother tries to find comfort in drugs and alcohol… And an abusive man with a penchant for underage girls.

No longer able to stand listening to his sister’s screams and cries every night for nearly three years, Cam takes matters into his own hands and they’re finally able to escape the nightmare.

They’re finally able to start over…

But the nightmare still haunts Marley. The years go on and she is forced to put on a smile, making everyone think that she is the perfect, well-adjusted teenager that she is supposed to be… Until she is faced with a painful reminder of her past during her senior year of high school and she’s no longer able to keep on the mask that she has been compelled to wear.

Recommended for ages eighteen and over due to strong language, sexual situations, and graphic violence.


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Out of nowhere, as Bing Crosby sang White Christmas on TV, Marley screamed, “Stop looking at me that way! Just stop!” She hovered over Doug, her chest heaving in rage.

“What way?” He was clearly taken aback by her outburst.

“The way that makes me feel like…” She trailed off, her chin quivering.

“Like what?”

“Like a helpless victim that’s still living in the past! I know I am! I don’t need your eyes reminding me of that!” She ran from the room, her footsteps heavy as she flew up the stairs and slammed the door to her bedroom.

He turned to us, his eyes wide. “What did I do? I don’t understand. She’s been pushing me farther and farther away for weeks without so much as an explanation.” His voice became contemplative. “I miss her.”

“It’s the way you were looking at her,” Brianna offered.

“What? What’s wrong with it? I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

“This is exactly why she was hesitant in telling you about everything,” I explained. “You want to know what set her off when we were at that home, waiting for the court to grant guardianship to our aunt and uncle? The way people would look at her. All the caseworkers and social workers looked at her as if she was a helpless victim, and for someone who felt helpless for years, it’s the worst feeling in the world. She is not a helpless victim, Doug. Yes, she’s a victim. More importantly, Marley is a survivor. So treat her like one. Please.”

He shook his head dejectedly as he processed my words. “I’m sorry. I never…”

“I know,” I said, cutting him off. “You need to treat her the same way you did before you knew. She’s trying to shed her past. Now whenever you look at her and she sees the changed expression on your face, she’s reminded of the worst time in her life. She doesn’t need that. She needs someone who will look at her in a way that makes her want to fight for a future.”

“I’m trying. It just seems that no matter what, she’s pushing me away.”

“The thing that you have to understand about Marley is that she has highs and lows. Before the Halloween party, she had been on a high for so long that when the bottom dropped, it fell far.”

“What makes the bottom drop?”

I shrugged. “It could be anything. Reminders of her past, of having her trust betrayed. Marley doesn’t trust easily, but she trusts you. I know she does.”

About the Author

T.K. Leigh

T.K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is the USA Today Best Selling author of the Beautiful Mess series. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre. 

When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

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