Saturday, November 8, 2014


Title: Even the Moon Has Scars
Author: Steph Campbell
Age: YA
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designed by The Cover Lure
Scheduled to release: October 28, 2014


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Two strangers.
Two broken hearts.
One night to set each other free.

Almost dying from an undiagnosed heart condition means every second of your life is a precious gift to be guarded.
Lena Pettitt was born a miracle.
And her parents never let her forget it.
Even if that daily reminder kept her from experiencing the one thing they were trying to protect most--her life.

Gabriel Martinez’s heart has been ripped out.
His pride has been stomped on.
Oh, and he now has an arrest record that’s caused an even bigger rift between him and his DA mother. All for a love that wasn’t really true.

Now he’s exiled to his grandmother’s, working on his late grandpa’s old Corvair when a shivering girl knocks on the garage door. Lena, left alone for the first time ever, has locked herself out of her house--in the snow. Gabe knows he could help this girl get back inside her house--but that may mean missing the next train to Boston to pick up the part he’s spent eight weeks tracking down. She can wait for him at his grandmother’s or…

A few hours, an aluminum valve cover, and some strong coffee later, neither Gabe or Lena can feign disappointment when they race to the station and arrive just as the last train home from Boston is pulling out.

As jaded as he is, Gabe can’t deny the fact that he’s excited to spend the night exploring a city he knows nearly every corner of, with a girl who sees magic in the simplest things.

Lena has been waiting for her tiny world to crack open her entire life. Now that it’s finally happened, she finds the only thing she can focus on is the unexpected tour guide who opens her eyes to possibilities she never imagined.

All they have is this one night, together, under the bright moon in a city full of hidden beauty.

It’s one night that will change how they see the world and the paths their hearts will take forever.


I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Cover: I think the cover is gorgeous! When I saw it the first time though, without reading the blurb, I thought the book is a paranormal or a sci-fi novel. I was wrong, but I still think the cover is beautiful. It is perfect for the title of the book and the story.

The Characters: Lena was born with a rare heart condition and for the past 16 years she's been living a sheltered life. Lena knows that her parents are just protecting her because they loved her but she couldn't help but want to do "normal" things. Gabe on the other hand have been troubled since his father left. After his parents' divorce he had been involved with a girl whose antics brought him to jail. As a punishment, his mother sent him to live with his grand mother. It was easy to like the characters. Lena's inexperience made their journey interesting, she sees things with awe and appreciation. Gabe is actually a sweet guy, despite the wrong decisions he made in the past, deep inside, he's a good guy. At first you wouldn't believe that these two would go along well because of the differences in their personalities but as they continue their journey, you would realize how perfect they are together.

The Story: Gabe and Lena are two strangers who hit it off right after their first meeting. In an impulse, Gabe invited Lena to Boston and they had an amazing adventure together. Even The Moon Has Scars reminds me of Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke's movie-- Before Sunrise (if you're not familiar with that, they also filmed Before Sunset in 2004 and Before Midnight in 2013). ETHS is a feel-good, sweet, romantic story and I enjoyed it very much. Gabe and Lena walked in the streets of Boston and  as they travel together they discovered things about themselves and learned things about life, family and love. It's such a refreshing read, a nice break from novels that contains sex, violence and too much angst. I thank Ms. Campbell for not leaving us hanging towards the end of the book, I loved that epilogue! Yes, it has a happy ending. =)

Rating: 4 Fairy Wings!!! Even The Moon Has Scars is a very entertaining read. It's sweet and beautifully written. This book is perfect for YA contemporary romance readers.

 (1) Kindle Fire and ebooks: Grounding Quinn, Delicate, Beautiful Things Never Last, and Even The Moon Has Scars

About the Author:

Steph Campbell grew up in Southern California, but now lives in the hot, humid south. She has one husband, four children and a serious nail polish obsession. When she's not writing or taking care of her brood, she's reading or scouring travel sites, always ready for life's next adventure.

twitter: @stephcampbell_
instagram: _steph_campbell

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