Monday, October 20, 2014


Title: Unexpected
Author: Jeana E. Mann
Release Date: November 4th 2014


The incident…
Randy McKenzie has a dark and violent past, one that nearly cost him his life and left him with the scar to prove it.

The Arrangement…
Karly Eriksson has lost everything but her self-respect. Is she desperate enough to sell her dignity to get it back?

The Kiss…
When Karly runs into Randy, the head of security at the underground Felony Bar, sparks fly and tempers flare. Everything about Randy screams bad boy from his tattoos to the wicked scar on his neck, and that’s the last thing she needs in her life. She wants a man with money and a bright future to rescue her from the hell of poverty, someone like former flame Jerome. But one chance meeting with Randy has her body making promises that her mind can’t keep. Randy is deep, dark, and intense with a body made for sin. When he promises to drive her home after a night of revelry at Felony, she has no intention of sleeping with him. One fateful kiss later and she’s willing to forget her problems for a night of passion and lust that can never be repeated.
Visit Jeana E. Mann!

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