Friday, October 17, 2014


Title: Prophecy (Calypso, #1)
Author: Julie Anne Lindsey
Release Date: 10/06/14
Published by: Kensington Books

Summary from Goodreads:

On the other side of death, is destiny.

Callie Ingram is spending her senior year focused on one thing: swimming. Her skill as a competitive swimmer is going to secure a scholarship and her future, or so she hopes. She has big plans, and Liam Hale, her gorgeous new neighbor, isn’t going to affect them. But when Callie sees Liam beheading someone, she learns his family has a secret that will change everything. The Hales are Vikings, demi-gods who’ve been charged by The Fates to find their new destined leader.

Callie’s caught in the middle of a budding Norse apocalypse, in love with Liam Hale and desperate to protect her best friend…who the Hales believe is marked for transformation. Putting the clues together as fast as she can, can discovers she has the power to rewrite destiny, for herself and all humankind.


The summary of Prophecy gives the feeling of a typical teenagey paranormal romance that I, or perhaps, we, are all so used to. But the promise of norse apocalypse pushed me to read this and so not long after, and to my surprise, I actually ended up liking this!

I wouldn’t say that the first part is the book’s strongest. I finished Prophecy in one day but not in one seat. The beginning was uneventful and to be honest, I had to put it down for a few minutes to do other things. It didn’t get my attention right off the bat and Liam’s personality didn’t help either. I couldn’t get to him at first. He was hot, but he was a jerk and a very broody one at that. He reminded me of another paranormal character that I absolutely loathed but, BUT that changed because as Liam’s backstory gets revealed, my view of his personality made a shift and he didn’t seem so bad at all. He was still protective and jealous but rather than getting annoyed, I find his gestures sweet instead. Callie also makes for a great MC. She’s smart and she thinks before she acts. I mean, thank the book goddess! You wouldn’t see that kind of MC everyday. Callie is also very strong headed and she deserves to be called a heroine, ‘nuff said.

The second part is where all the good things are. The battles, already developed characters and the faster pace! Really, it was a great decision to stick to this story. The Prophecy also packs a twist, and though it was something that I already guessed early on, it still didn’t disappoint. It was something that I was anticipating. I was waiting for to happen because I knew it would be great for the story, so I was cheering mentally when it finally did.

I enjoyed the battles but I wouldn’t say that it was the greatest battle in the world of YA. The story ends at an opportune time too. I’d rather it continue some more but I’m also relieved knowing that the second book will have more juice to it. Prophecy has its ups and downs but, I’m satisfied with the mythologies mixed into it and the overall story. I’m hoping for more mythologies in the next books though.

Rating: 3.5 Fairy Wings


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About Julie:

Julie Anne Lindsey is a multi-genre author who writes the stories that keep her up at night. She’s a self-proclaimed nerd with a penchant for words and proclivity for fun. Julie lives in rural Ohio with her husband and three small children. Today, she hopes to make someone smile. One day she plans to change the world.

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