Wednesday, October 15, 2014


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"Can an always-tardy garlic mogul and a punctual Silicon Valley librarian fall in love?

The world needs garlic and somebody’s got to sell that garlic. Cedric Johnson is that man. But even though he’s got just about everything he can wish for, Cedric is still missing one thing in his life: someone special. Fate may be on his side, but he encounters a few distractions along the way—like almost being killed by a UPS truck. Oh, and a little case of blackmail.

Ellie Fontaine is a walking Wikipedia with clear professional goals, but when it comes to landing Mr. Right, she doesn’t know jack squat. She even gives online dating a shot and ends up with an unappetizing buffet of unibrows and losers. What’s a girl to do?

After Ellie saves Cedric’s life, serendipity takes over as they continue to run into each other. Their connection grows stronger with each meeting, even though he embodies her number one pet peeve: he’s always late. But even if they can get past their issues and misunderstandings, Ellie’s ex-boyfriend, an unscrupulous cop, will do anything to keep them apart.

Five Minutes Late is a hilarious fast-paced romantic comedy, full of snappy dialogue and fun, quirky characters, guaranteed to warm your heart."

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I received a complimentary copy of Five Minutes Late in exchange for an honestn review.

Pickles! Five Minutes Late is one of the most entertaining books I've read this year. I've finished reading the book a few hours ago and I'm still smiling while typing this review. This book just made my day!

The author sure knows how to write a perfect romantic comedy. Five Minutes Late is a perfect blend of humor, romance, and a good story. Be sure to read this when you're alone or in private. Otherwise, people might think you're crazy, laughing and smiling all by yourself.

Overall, I love all the characters in the book. They're so real and normal that I can imagine them as neighbors. I LOVE CEDRIC. Pickles! (Just pretend you didn't read that one, lol!) But this guy is really adorable. He's kind, smart, sweet, and really funny. Not to mention, drop-dead gorgeous. I love the fact that he wasn't perfect like most book heroes. Yep, you can actually see him acting or saying something stupid like people do in real life. The fact that he's a farmer who grows garlics and cherries already made me like him. And his dog is so lovable. I love Ellie, too. Maybe because she's a librarian, lol! But really, you'll get a lot of laughs from her blind dates. Those scenes were really hilarious. As a bibliophile myself, I can relate to Ellie's passion for books.

If you're going to read the book, I'm sure you'll also love Tony, Cedric's best friend, and Grandpa Frank, Ellie's granddad. Tony is so funny. I just love his sense of humor. Scenes with Tony are probably the funniest parts of the book. I can't help but love Grandpa Frank. He's so wise, funny, and so supportive I wish I have a Grandpa like him too.

The book is written in a 3rd person POV. It switches between Ellie and Cedric so you get a glimpse on each side. I have to admit that I like Cedric's story more. It's funnier and, as I mentioned, Cedric is so adorable. I like the fact that the story was kept light even though there was a minor character who died in the book. I can't think of a specific scene that I liked best. The whole book is a page-turner and each chapter has a shining moment somewhere. I love the author's writing style. It was filled with humor and was fast-paced exciting. you will never get bored reading this book. I will definitely read more from the author.

My verdict: I love this book! If you're in the mood for something funny and romantic, YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK! You will not be disappointed, I promise. I'm recommending this book to all readers especially to people who need a feel-good story that will leave you laughing and smiling like you just had a great day.

My Rating: 5 Fairy Wings!!!

Meet the Author

Rich Amooi -Author Photo

Rich Amooi is a former Silicon Valley radio personality and wedding DJ, now a writer of comedy and romance. He believes in destiny, silliness, infinite possibilities, Betty Crocker Super-Moist Yellow Cake with chocolate frosting, gratitude, laughter, and happy ever after. Rich lives in San Jose, California with his wife and their very hairy dog. He enjoys writing stories that are light, fun, a little bit crazy, and romantic. :)

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