Sunday, September 7, 2014

✳✳ SWEET FALL (Sweet Home #3) by TILLIE COLE: A review by THE ROCK CHICK FAIRY ✳✳

SYNOPSIS (as seen on Goodreads)

From the USA Today Best Selling Sweet Home Series, comes Sweet Fall; a tale of heartache, beating the odds and finding strength in the most unlikeliest of places. 

We all have secrets.

Secrets well buried.

Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear.

Lexington "Lexi" Hart is a senior at the University of Alabama. Surrounded by her best friends, her loving family and having fulfilled her life-long dream of making the Crimson Tide cheer squad, everything is going exactly as she always dreamed it would. But beneath her happy exterior, demons lurk, threatening to jeopardize everything Lexi has worked to achieve. When events in her life become too much to cope with, Lexi finds herself spiraling down into the realm of her biggest fear. Lexi falls hard, victim once again to the only thing that can destroy her and, on the way, finds herself falling straight into the dangerous tattooed arms of a guy from the wrong side of the tracks.

Austin Carillo, starting Wide Receiver for the Alabama Crimson Tide, must get picked in this year's NFL draft. He needs it. His brothers need it. Most importantly, his mother desperately needs it. Brought up in a world where the poor are forgotten, the sick are left to fend for themselves and no hero miraculously appears to pull you out of hell, Austin had no other choice but to make a living on the wrong side of the law—until football offered Austin the break to get his life back on track. But when a family tragedy drags him back into the clutches of the gang he believed he had left far behind, Austin finds himself falling. Falling back into criminal ways and falling deep into a suffocating darkness. Until a troubled yet kindred spirit stumbles across his path, where Austin quickly finds he is falling for a young woman, a young woman who might just have the power to save him from his worst enemy: himself.

Can two troubled souls find a lasting peace together? Or will they finally succumb to the demons threatening to destroy them?

New Adult/Contemporary Romance novel—contains adult content, sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up.

Can be read as a stand-alone novel.


I'm all cried out. 

The best books are sometimes the hard, nasty, ugly truth written in the guise of fiction.

I totally admit to having a hard time finishing this book, but since a close friend of mine highly recommended it, I fought tooth and nails to soldier on... AND SHE COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MORE RIGHT.

We all heard from somewhere that hearing the truth always hurts like a bitch. Now I have my own version. Reading about what can be really happening out there is heartbreaking. This is a triple whammy to me because not only does this book tackle Anorexia, which plagues millions of people across the globe, it also talks about drugs and most of all... ALS. The illness that has been going around from the beginning of time, but has been gaining more and more awareness nowadays thanks to the social media. I have watched a lot of documentaries these past few weeks regarding this illness and have shed a bucket of tears for those people... My awareness for the disease just made me hate the circumstance more. Reading about it in a fiction book, which I consider my turf... my world? Let's just say that it's very, very hard.

I would not go into a lot of details about the characters in this book. I would just say that Austin's loyalty and love for his loved ones is incomparable. He did every single thing in this book out of love. Lexi may also have her imperfections, but she was trying so hard. I can't imagine living with an inner voice like hers. I admire Lexi's will power.

Lexi and Austin are on my respected list of strong characters. I had my doubts at first because God knows they didn't start with hearts and flowers. More like they started with drugs, threats, lies and bad vibes. They've had waves after waves of misfortunes that you would expect them both to have given up. They did not crumble. They may have stumbled along the way, but they didn't give up. They also have a strong group of friends. I still love Rome. I hated Austin's pride which prevented Rome from helping him.. but I understand. Lexi's friends were always there for her. They just couldn't get past that barrier that she built around herself. When everything.. and I MEAN EVERYTHING fell apart, they were all there to pick up the pieces. The adults in the story are also people who should be real in this world. The doctor, the mom (of Austin) and the dad (of Lexi). If you read this story, you would appreciate their wisdom and strength.

The ending of this book is more than satisfying. Yes, I am all cried out, but I can assure you, I'm friggin happy! :')

Great, meaningful book with a lot of life lessons. A must read!

5 fairy wings! 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (as seen on Goodreads)

Amazon & USA Today Best Selling Author, Tillie Cole, is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses. 
Being a scary blend of Scottish and English, Tillie embraces both cultures; her English heritage through her love of HP sauce and freshly made Yorkshire Puddings, and her Scottish which is mostly demonstrated by her frighteningly foul-mouthed episodes of pure rage and her much loved dirty jokes.

Having been born and raised as a Teesside Smoggie, Tillie, at age nineteen, moved forty miles north to the 'Toon', Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where she attended Newcastle University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts honours degree in Religious Studies. She returned two years later to complete a Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching High School Social Studies. Tillie, regards Newcastle to be a home from home and enjoyed the Newcastle Geordie way of life for seven 'proper mint' and 'lush' years.

One summers day, after finishing reading her thousandth book on her much loved and treasured Kindle, Tillie turned to her husband and declared, "D'you know, I have a great idea for a story. I could write a book." Several months later, after repeating the same tired line at the close of another completed story, she was scolded by her husband to shut up talking about writing a novel and "just bloody do it!" For the first time in eleven years, Tillie actually took his advice (he is still trying to get over the shock) and immediately set off on a crazy journey, delving deep into her fertile imagination. 

Tillie, ever since, has written from the heart. She combines her passion for anything camp and glittery with her love of humour and dark brooding men (most often muscled and tattooed – they’re her weakness!). She also has a serious side (believe it or not!) and loves to immerse herself in the complex study of World Religions, History and Cultural Studies and creates fantasy stories that enable her to thread serious issues and topics into her writing -- yep, there's more to this girl than profanity and sparkles!

After six years of teaching high school Social Studies and following her Professional Rugby Player husband around Europe, they have finally given up their nomadic way of life and settled in Calgary, Alberta where Tillie spends most of her days (and many a late night) lost in a writing euphoria or pursuing a dazzling career as a barrel-racing, tasselled-chap wearing, Stetson-sporting cowgirl... Ye-haw!

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