Thursday, September 25, 2014

✵✵✵SOULLESS (DEATH WARDEN #1) BY AMBER GARR: A Midnight Fairy Book Review✵✵✵


When it comes to death and love…only one is guaranteed.

Four decades ago Nora died. A tragic event for someone so young; however, four decades ago Nora was also given a second chance to walk among the living.

A Death Warden with a mysterious past, her job is to escort the newly expired towards the light, battling with the Soul Hunters who want the freshly dead to help with their own evil purposes buried in the dark. 

When Nora’s charges suddenly become targets, she realizes that the hunters are after far more than just souls. A shift in power between good and evil threatens to change everything, risking the lives of the only family Nora has ever known. 

Devastated and angry, she’s forced to face the man she once loved - a man who chose darkness over her - in order to find the answers she needs to stop the horror from escalating. Yet, while a lost relationship still haunts her broken heart, a new Warden with secrets of his own will enter the mix and quickly alter everything Nora believed to be true.

Death is unavoidable…but sometimes, so is love.



I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest interview.

Upon reading the first few chapters of the book, it was apparent that Nora had a romantic past with the now evil Theron. She was confused for his sudden decision to be a Soul Hunter and at the same time felt heartbroken from being left behind. The two share an emotional bond that despite their differences in sides (Nora, being a Death Warden, and Theron being a Soul Hunter), they still long to be together. However, when a new Warden arrives and was put under Nora's supervision, she started to feel something for the new guy and begins to question Theron's actions.

Ms. Amber Garr have an interesting take on the "in between". We, Catholics call it the "purgatory" where souls wander while they wait for judgement before going to the gates of either heaven or hell. Garr's on the other hand created a realm in which the souls in the "in between" were made as Death Wardens - who escorts souls to the "light"; and it's evil counterpart, the Soul Hunters - who feeds from the souls. 

Soulless is the first book in the Death Warden series so it's understandable that it ends with a cliffhanger. There are a lot of mysterious stuff going on in this book and very few question were answered. It's a short novel but it covered the important stuff needed for you to understand the realm. As for the characters, I liked Charles because he's really nice towards Nora and he can be funny too. I didn't hate Theron, but I don't like him much either. How could you leave someone whom you spent decades with for someone from your past that you only spent a few months with? Jason's character is not as interesting as Theron's though. He's a nice guy and it looks like he has an important role in the realm but that didn't make him intriguing for me. I guess bad boys are more interesting, LOL. I'm not a fan of insta-love so I didn't enjoy the Nora and Jason thing much, but I admit that they are cute together.

Overall, Soulless is a good paranormal read. If you are a YA paranormal fan and a sucker for reaper stories, this one might be for you. =)

Will Nora and Theron get back together while trying to save Jayson and Eda? Will they succeed in rescuing the two? Will we know what the Elders are hiding from the Death Wardens? Let's all  find out on the next book!  

My rating: 3.5 Fairy Wings.


Amber Garr spends her days as a scientist and nights writing about other worlds. Her childhood imaginary friend was a witch, Halloween is sacred, and she is certain she has a supernatural sense of smell. Amber is a multiple Royal Palm Literary Award winner, author of the bestselling The Syrenka Series, The Leila Marx Novels, The Water Crisis Chronicles, and the upcoming Death Warden Series. When not obsessing over the unknown, she can be found dancing, reading, or enjoying a good movie. Find out more at

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