Saturday, September 20, 2014


My Viking Vampire
Sanctuary, Texas
Krystal Shannan

Bailey Ross’ world is crumbling around her. Her abusive ex, a human, is closing in on her again, and to make matters worse, a new enemy, a djinn, is stalking her. This supernatural being takes great pleasure in human pain, something Bailey has in excess thanks to her ex. If she’s caught by either, she’s as good as dead.

Backed into a corner and desperate to escape, she does something she swore wouldn’t ever be possible again –trusting a man. And he’s a vampire.

Protection via the sexy vampire Erick Thorson may prove to be a little more than she bargained for. Sparks fly between them and she finds herself agreeing to more than just protection. Though he has promised not to let anyone harm her, the small west Texas town is more than it seems and he may not be able to make good on his vow no matter how hard he tries.

Will Sanctuary be the home Bailey longs for or will she have to die to find out?

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A Fire Fairy Review

I received a complimentary copy in exchange or an honest review.

If you love Paranormal Romance then you’re in for a treat! My Viking Vampire will feed your love for hot supernatural creatures in this first book of her Sanctuary series. If you read some of Krystal’s books then you know that her stories are on the erotic side. This book is no exception. In fact, this is one of her steamier ones.

My Viking Vampire is set in a dystopic future in United States where supernatural creatures are discriminated and denied of citizenship. The heroine, Bailey Ross, is on the run from her abusive ex-husband who wants her back and punished; or probably dead. Adding to her problem is another stalker out to get her, a djinn who promises more pain and suffering.

To the rescue is Erick Thorson, a vampire who helps her escape from the Djinn and brings her to a place called Sanctuary, aptly named for its purpose as a safe haven to preternatural creatures. On this place, Bailey finds peace and a sense of belonging, with creatures of different races acting as one unified community. But knowing the danger she poses to everyone who gets close to her, Bailey knows she can’t stay there for long. But can she have the heart to leave Eric and the place where she finally felt like she belonged? And what about the prophecy that the Oracle says she must fulfill?

I love the world Krystal created in this new series. It’s somewhere between urban fantasy and the usual paranormal romance. Bailey’s character is a typical PnR heroine with a promise of becoming a kick-ass heroine, like what you find in urban fantasy, in the future. And by future I’m talking about the succeeding books in the series. Eric Thorson (I’m saying his name with a dreamy tone), is one hot vampire! He’s strong, caring, handsome, sexy, and… a Dom! Yup, the novel has a bit of BDSM in it but not enough to be considered in that genre, though I have a feeling that the statement is only for this book. I believe the next books will cater to BDSM more because of the involvement of some characters with the Palace, a place in Sanctuary that caters to kinky sex acts. I love the mix of the creatures here, from the brooding dragon shifters to the perky pixies. I enjoyed the diversity of creatures that Sanctuary has. Not to mention the Siren’s awesome shop! What I wouldn’t give to buy something from her store, lol!

I love the story as a whole. I like the idea of Sanctuary, a place where you feel safe and loved by its people. Plot-wise, the story of “a girl running away from an abusive relationship” is a bit cliché, but Krystal has done a really good twist in writing this story and added a diversity of characters and naughty elements that you’re now reading a new and original story. Romance-wise, the hotness level is way up there! There are lots of steamy sex here and a bit of mild BDSM towards the end. Bailey and Eric’s interactions are sizzling that sometimes I can’t help but fan myself because of the hot scenes. I can’t wait to hear more about them in the next books.

I’m giving My Viking Vampire 4 Fairy Wings. This book is highly recommended (by me!) to all adult paranormal romance fans. It's definitely a must-read and a great start to a new series to look forward to.


My survival instincts said he wasn’t the only unattached male in the town who might choose to pursue me. Better him than someone worse, but that wasn’t a reason to lead him on. He deserved better than to be used. He’d been a gentleman, so far … and he was kind. Plus, telling him I wasn’t interested in him sexually would be an outright lie. I was a woman, and he’d awakened something that I thought had long ago been beaten out of me.


“I …” I opened my mouth, but choked on my words. Rubbing my sweaty palms on my pants again, I looked up into his perfectly blue eyes and relaxed. There were no cages in Erick’s house. That I could see. No chains on the walls. He didn’t even have bars over the windows.

He wasn’t Kevin.

Even with all my doubts, something deep down said it was okay to give it a shot. “I want to try,” slipped from between my lips. “Trust has cost me a lot in the past, though. I’m afraid.”

“I’m glad you are giving me a chance.” Erick stepped closer. Each movement was calculated and confident. He reached out and touched my cheek, then followed the line of my face down until he was cupping my chin. His fingertips brushed over my ears and slipped into the wet hair at the base of my neck.

A shiver flitted across the surface of my skin. Energy charged between his hand and my cheek. Even though my first instinct was to pull away, I somehow found the courage to look up and meet his gaze instead.

Meet the Author

Krystal Shannan goes to sleep every night dreaming of mythical realms with werewolves, vampires, fae, and dragons. Occasional a fabulous, completely human story slips into the mix, but powers and abilities usually crop up without fail, twisting reality into whatever her mind can conceive.

As a child, her parents encouraged her interests in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology and all things historical and magickal. As an adult the interests only grew. She is a child of Neverland and refuses to ever stop believing in fairies.

She is guilty of indulging and being a Buffy the Vampire Slayer groupie as well as an Angel fan. For those of you unfamiliar with the world of Joss Whedon, you are missing out! She also makes sure to watch as many action and adventure movies as possible. The more exciting the better. Yippee-Ki-Yay..... If you don't know the end of that phrase, then you probably don't like the same movies.

She writes stories full of action, snark, magick, and heart-felt emotion. If you are looking for leisurely paced sweet romance, her books are probably not for you. But, for those looking for a magical ride, filled with adventure, passion, and just a hint of humor. Welcome home.

Krystal Shannan
Putting Magick in Romance one Soul Mate at a Time.
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  1. Thank you so much for hosting and for the amazing review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Bailey's story and getting to know the characters in Sanctuary. XOXO - Krystal
