Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Perfect for You
Release Date: September 2014
Swoon Romance
Seventeen-year-old Meg Flannigan isn’t very self-confident, but what girl would be after her sophomore-year boyfriend dumped her by making out with another girl in front of her locker? 

Now a senior, Meg catches the eye of not one, but two gorgeous guys at school. Sounds good, right? What girl wouldn't want to be in Meg's shoes? One cute boy happens to be her boyfriend, and the other? Well, he wants to be. And Meg? She't torn between Ash, the boy she's been with for nearly five months, and Noah who is pretty irresistible. 

But Meg is playing with fire. Pitting two boys against one another, even if she doesn't intend to, could end badly if she isn't careful. PERFECT FOR YOU is a teen romance from bestselling author Ashelyn Drake, where one girl will risk everything to find her perfect match.

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“My practice ran late. I rushed down here because I wasn’t sure I’d still catch you. I was kind of surprised to still see you here, and then you were with Noah.” His voice is soft, questioning.
“I was waiting around for you,” I lie.
“So, you got my text then.” He relaxes a little. “Good. When you didn’t respond, I thought it meant you were already driving home.”
He texted me? Of course he did. He’s an amazing boyfriend and was worried he’d miss me or keep me waiting. And while he was busy thinking about me, I was…The thing with Noah has to stop. It’s impossible to be friends with the guy I’ve liked for the past two years. Not without someone getting hurt.
“Sorry I didn’t text you back. I figured you’d be in the shower and wouldn’t get it anyway. I should’ve told you I would hang around while you finished up.”
“That’s okay. I’m just glad you waited.”
“I should text my mom and let her know I’m on my way before she starts worrying.” I walk to my bag, keeping two steps in front of Ash so he can’t see the new message alert on my screen. I don’t want him to know I lied. I quickly text Mom.
Meg: Practice ran late. On my way.
I shut my phone and grab my bag. “Ready?”
 He puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk to our cars. “Remember when we actually got to hang out this summer?”
“Vaguely.” I scrunch up my face, pretending to search for a distant memory.
He leans down and kisses me again. “Any chance your parents will let you stay out a little later? It’s still pretty early.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“How about a swim?” His in-ground kidney-shaped pool. Pure heaven.
“I’ll text my mom.” Before I can take my phone out, his lips are on mine again. He looks deep into my eyes, and I wonder if he’s going to say it. The big it.
“Sorry,” he says. “Go ahead.” He steps back. Why does he keep chickening out? This is the third time this week I thought he was going to say the L-word. What’s stopping him?

About the Author

Ashelyn Drake is a New Adult and Young Adult romance author. While it’s rare for her not to have either a book in hand or her fingers flying across a laptop, she also enjoys spending time with her family. She believes you are never too old to enjoy a good swing set and there’s never a bad time for some dark chocolate. She is represented by Sarah Negovetich of Corvisiero Literary Agency.
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