Sunday, September 7, 2014


RIGHT KIND OF WRONG by Chelsea Fine 

Sometimes wrong can feel oh so right . . . 

Jenna Lacombe needs complete control, whether it's in the streets . . . or between the sheets. So when she sets out on a solo road trip to visit her family in New Orleans, she's beyond annoyed that the infuriatingly sexy Jack Oliver wants to hitch a ride with her. Ever since they shared a wild night together last year, he's been trying to strip away her defenses one by one. He claims he's just coming along to keep her safe-but what's not safe for her is prolonged exposure to the tattooed hottie.

Jack can't get Jenna out from under his skin. She makes him feel alive again after his old life nearly destroyed him-and losing her is not an option. Now Jack's troubles are catching up to him, and he's forced to return to his hometown in Louisiana. But when his secrets put them both in harm's way, Jenna will have to figure out how far she's willing to let love in . . . and how much she already has.

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I was given an arc in exchange for an honest review. 

Is there a right kind of wrong?

In my book.. there is.. and his name is JACK. I'd like to start off with his character because man, oh man... I DARE YOU NOT TO BE SHOCKED when you read all about him. I double dare you not to blink twice and think "what the hell?!". He is the shocker of this series. The dark horse and the new love of my fiction fangirl life. I am in awe because I cannot imagine this book without his... air of mystery. I do believe that he's the heart of this book. :) 

Don't get me wrong.. Jenna is also a strong character in her own right. She knows how to hold it in, I give you that. Her feelings are all bottled up and she hates showing it. She is just like so many women who live in the modern world. Let's admit it, times have changed how we perceive ourselves. We like to think that we definitely don't need men. Jenna is like that. Women would relate to her because she's just like us. She's insecure, she's a planner (which God knows I am too... ugh) and she wants to be independent. She has her reasons and I understand it. I can't say I was happy that she was always ignoring Jack, but I understand the reason behind it. 

Okay.. so let's move on to the plot first. The plot is ordinary at first (sorry, my dear Miss Fine). It was only about a guy trying to convince the girl he really, and I MEAN REALLY likes that she likes him back and that they are worth the shot. They are given one golden opportunity to be with each other in the confinement of a car and we all know that a lot of things happen when two people are inside a car... a lot like the constant sexual tension between the two characters. It was already a good read by that time. They constantly bicker and the girl just wouldn't give in. Their banters are hilarious. Jenna the evader and Jack the adorable one... I thought I already had it all figured out. 

me on chapter 9: "Hah! Jenna would definitely give in.. Jack is just so adorable.. too cute with his thoughts about her." 

and then suddenly: 

me on chapter 11: "Wait, what??!! DOUBLE WTF!! Who is this badass all dark and rugged-like guy?!" ---> I SWEAR I HAD TO RE-READ THIS PART!!! 

And on it went for the next chapters... It was all about meeting this new Jack and then meeting his family... I was there with Jenna. I was totally there with her, trying to make some sense into what I've just discovered. I was there when she liked his family and I was there when he liked hers. I was there when Jack was really down because he thought Jenna wouldn't want him back after everything that has happened. Jenna was truly struggling. Here was the man that she likes and the she finds out something about this guy that just made her like him more. She was all over the place, but I was soooo there when Jenna started accepting Jack for what he is... and I was there for every moment in between.

One thing that can be said about the way Jenna solidified their relationship in the end though is that it's a bit corny. I'm being very honest here.. this is how I felt, but I didn't think too long and hard about it. It is what it is... kind of corny... just like a lot of books with successful love stories. I admit, I'm a sucker for this ;D 

To wrap this up.. here's a list of what I got from this book:

✔ You don't need a man to live, but you need a partner to love. :) 
Sometimes, people really aren't what they seem to be on the outside and that's not always a bad thing.
✔ The best people are not the perfect ones, but the ones who still strive for perfection after all bad shiz that life has thrown their way. 
 I COULD STILL BE SHOCKED. hahaha! I love, love you for this Miss Fine! :) 

I recommend this to all who want to be surprised.. to those who want to read about a girl who's just like us and to those who just want to fall in love. 




Opening my car door, I slide into the driver’s seat, turn to put the key in the ignition and—
“Ahh!” Jumping back, I thwack my open palm against the gigantic body of pure muscle seated in the passenger seat. “Dammit, Jack! You scared me!”
“Good morning.” He grins.
“What are you doing in my car?” I snap, throwing him some serious stink eye.
“I’m going with you to Louisiana.” He nods to a large duffle bag in the backseat.
I blink. “Uh, no you’re not.”
“Uh, yes I am.”
“Like hell.”
He crinkles his brow. “I’ve never understood that phrase. But okay. I’ll go with you ‘like hell,’ whatever that means.”
“Get out of my car.” I point to the door.
“Oh, Jenna.” He clucks his tongue. “This will be good for both of us. Listen.” He casually leans against the passenger window and pierces me with his gray eyes. “For reasons beyond my control, I need to go back home. And for reasons beyond your control, so do you. And since our ‘homes’ are right next door to one another, I figured we’d carpool to Louisiana and you can just drop me off at Little Vail on your way to New Orleans.”
He gives me that little-boy smile of his and it’s all I can do not to lean forward and soak it in. I hate me.
“I don’t see how that’s good for me,” I say. “At all.”
He shrugs. “You get some company on the road.”
I nod with a clenched jaw. “And you get a free ride.”
His smile grows and I instantly realize that was the wrong thing to say.
“Precisely,” he says.
I can’t afford to spend any excessive time with Jack. Not just because we fight, but because of what happened last year. It was one crazy night when we were both drunk, and we never spoke of it after the fact, but our “friendship” has been tense ever since.
“Well, I don’t need any company,” I say, shaking my head.
“Sure you do,” he says easily. “Everyone needs company.”
“Not me. So get out.”
He grins. “No.”
God I hate him. But not really.
God I hate that I don’t hate him.
I jut my chin and stare him over. “Fine. If you won’t remove yourself…” Exiting the car, I stomp around the hood to his door, yank it open, and wrap my hands around his bicep. Then I start pulling.
He doesn’t budge. Like, he literally doesn’t move an inch as I tug at his oversized arm and grunt like I’m trying to move a massive piece of hardwood furniture and not a human being.
His eyes dance as he watches my struggle. “What’s your plan here, Jenna? Haul me out of the car and leave me in the street?”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Well, that doesn’t sound friendly at all,” he says, flicking the lever to recline to seat a bit so he looks even more relaxed than before.
“I wasn’t trying to be friendly,” I grit out.
I try pulling him out again, to no avail. He’s giant and solid, and honestly, just touching him is turning me on.
I drop my hands and glower at him. “You can’t just tell me that you’re coming along on my road trip.”
He cocks his head. “Would you feel better if I asked?”
“Not especially.”
“Jenna.” He leans forward and his gaze bores through me, down into the deepest parts of my being. “Will you please let me join you on your trip to Louisiana?”
For a moment, I’m lost in his eyes, debating with myself. I don’t trust myself around Jack. Not at all. But I did spend half the night tossing in my sleep with nightmares about traveling alone so maybe having Jack tag along might not be so bad after all. Maybe.
Pulling back, I straighten my shoulders and relent, like usual when it comes to Jack.
“Fine,” I huff out as I stomp back to my side of the car in climb in. “But no talking,” I say, hoping I haven’t just made a huge mistake.
He grins and I turn away.
Surely I can manage to keep my panties on around Jack for a few days…right?


About the author:

Chelsea lives in Phoenix, Arizona, where she spends most of her time writing stories, painting murals, and avoiding housework at all costs. She's ridiculously bad at doing dishes and claims to be allergic to laundry. Her obsessions include: superheroes, coffee, sleeping-in, and crazy socks. She lives with her husband and two children, who graciously tolerate her inability to resist teenage drama on TV and her complete lack of skill in the kitchen. 

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