Friday, September 12, 2014


One, Two, Three… by Elodie Nowodazkij 
Publication date: June 26th 2014 
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult


When seventeen-year-old Natalya’s dreams of being a ballerina are killed in a car accident along with her father, she must choose: shut down—like her mother—or open up to love.

Last year, Natalya was attending the School of Performing Arts in New York City. Last year, she was well on her way to becoming a professional ballerina. Last year, her father was still alive.

But a car crash changed all that—and Natalya can’t stop blaming herself. Now, she goes to a regular high school in New Jersey; lives with her onetime prima ballerina, now alcoholic mother; and has no hope of a dance career.

At her new school, however, sexy soccer player Antonio sees a brighter future for Natalya, or at least a more pleasant present, and his patient charms eventually draw her out of her shell.

But when upsetting secrets come to light and Tonio’s own problems draw her in, Natalya shuts down again, this time turning to alcohol herself.

Can Natalya learn to trust Antonio before she loses him—and destroys herself?


I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review

When life lands a great blow on you and shatters your dreams... would you let a broken knee get in the way of standing up again?

This is Natalya's struggle with the hand that has been dealt to her and her family. Her dad died, her mom is a drunk and her? Well, let's just say that she's a broken ballerina. Her life has completely changed and she feels like she's losing control. She's your typical teen; stubborn, likes boys, has bffs and has school issues ... the only difference is that she's talented and so ambitious. Even though I didn't wholly like her character because man, she's as depressing as a hospital... I understand where she's coming from. 

We also get to meet Antonio, the guy who also has his own demons. Drugs, an MIA brother, an ex bestfriend and an exgirlfriend. He's described as hot, tall and very  handsome. He plays foot ball and he's kind of popular in school. He's a good friend to the girls and he's pretty funny (like that jock who's so self confident kind of funny).  However, I can't say that I like him much. He did some weird things that I didn't like. 

The other characters are also interesting. I daresay that Iiked Nata's bestfriend more than Nata herself. :) She and James are so cute. I would like a book for these two. :) Can I order one? Haha! Nata's mom... Now that's a person that I truly wouldn't want to see in person. I have never dealt with an alcoholic, but if this is really how one would act.. I'd be happy not to meet one for the entirety of my life. Her uncle is a whole different story though.. I like him, and then I don't like him. I'm ambivalent.. Hmmm.. Maybe the "like" is more than the "dislike". :) He's nice and at least he's trying. 

The complication in this book is as deep as it can go. I didn't even see it coming. Natalya has to overcome her own guilt, her mom's as well as his uncle's. She has to find a way to live normally if she wants to go on with her life. You can just imagine how hard this is for her. The ending is a bit abrupt and kind of open ended, but I like it that way. It feels like Natalya is on her way to mending and that includes her whole family. It's as good as it gets, given the circumstances. When I consider everything... I just feel that Natalya is strong. She's a fighter and if this is really happening somewhere.. I definitely would want to be her friend.

4 fairy wings



ElodieNowodazkij was raised in a tiny village in France, where she could always be found a book in hand. At nineteen, she moved to the US, where she learned she'd never lose her French accent. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Modern Language & Linguistics, and later earned master's degrees in German Cultural Studies and European Studies. Unbeknownst to her professors, she sometimes drafted stories in class. Now she lives in Germany with her husband and their cat (who doesn't seem to realize he's not human), and uses her commuting time to write the stories swirling in her head. She's also a serial smiley user.

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  1. Great review! I love how honest and emotional this one sounds, and I don't mind open endings I often find them more realistic, really. Glad you liked it! :)

  2. thanks for the lovely giveaway and the review !! this book sounds great <3
