Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Everlasting by Candace Knoebel 
(Night Watchmen #1) 
Publication date: February 19th 2014
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult


What if your destiny lay on the other side of death?

The annual Culling ceremony is a day every coming-of-age novice looks forward to within the Primeval Coven. It’s the start to being initiated into the Night Watchmen, humankind’s protectors, and it’s the long-awaited day when novices discover if they’re a Hunter or a Witch.

But this day is not a happy one for Faye Middleton. Not when she’s known her whole life that she’s a Defect and is about to face banishment in front of her fellow novices. She’s forced to attend the Culling with little hope for her future, but what she discovers about herself is far worse than she could’ve imagined. And far more dangerous.

Thrown into training and separated from her friends, Faye must learn to adjust. She struggles to find her place within the Coven, and with Jaxen Gramm, the darkly handsome and extremely unnerving man assigned to watch and protect her. Emotions run high, and when she discovers a deadly secret about him, her struggles deepen. As corruption within the Coven begins to unravel, Faye pieces together her role in saving the future of her people, and within Jaxen’s life…but will the truth save her, or be her undoing?


A review copy was provided to me in exchange for an honest review. 

First off, I just want to say that I was attracted to this book because of the cover. It's kind of colorful and very interesting to look at. Kudos to that. 

Now about the plot... It's pretty good. Witches aren't really new to me, but the way things went here, it's a breath of fresh air. The fact that they have to have a "hunter" or a partner makes it so unique. Their way of doing things is kind of awesome. It's really like being plunged into this secret community living among us and it's all new because they have a different way of life. I like the mysteries, the revelations and how things just wove themselves. If you have read the Covenant series of Jennifer L. Armentrout you are also bound to like this book. They kind of feel the same when it comes to the training and jobs to do.

The characters are good actually. I truly rooted for the main couple and totally hated the villain. 

Faye is actually a typical girl with a not so typical problem in a totally not typical world. She doesn't want to be abandoned and she has insecurities just like a normal person. She can have a spine of steel on the outside, but on the inside, she's melting. That's her real weakness as well as strength if you ask me. Her conflict just stems from the fact that she wants to be just like everyone. I guess the saying "careful what you wish for" does apply to her. She wished to be just one of them since she was very afraid of being "defective and she got more.. so much more than she wished. Unfortunately, as much as I'm happy for what she got.. the "more" that I'm talking about is not really all it's cracked up to be. 

Jaxen on the other hand reminds me of so many heroes that I love from many other YA books. Jace, Aiden, Ash and many others. I'm not sorry that I can compare them with them. They are all good and they would do everything for their girls. Jaxen.... He has that sense of "good". He's distant to others but with Faye, he just can't stay away. He's so closed off that when he speaks, I get shocked with what he says, He has that I-have-to-sacrifice-myself air around him and it kills me as a reader because he's not just hot... he's actually pretty nice. Man oh man, how I want to just beat the curse off of him and his brother.

FAYE AND JAXEN'S LOVE STORY - It's a delicious waiting game... with a dark promise.. which I hope will be stopped... RIGHT AWAY!!!! I wish that they can just be.. them.. together without any other outside problems. 

The other characters are also vital in this story. I don't know if this book would be complete without Jaxen's brother or Cassie.,. especially Katie. I just love Katie's relationship with Faye. In fact, I envy them because their bond is just so strong. I admit to tearing up in  two particular scenes between them. They make me feel so emotional..ugh. Oh well.. the best books are the ones that affect you emotionally, right? :) 

I just have to dedicate one paragraph to Jezi. In every book, a villain is always present. When the villain is effective, it highlights the qualities of the main character. With that said, I would definitely say that Jezi is a darn perfect villain. Even though she's not the main villain, I can't help but feel a measure of hate towards her character. She's so much of a b***h! I swear. I mean, I know that she's somehow the.. umm.. "wronged one" here, but ugh. She makes life harder for Faye when she doesn't really need it anymore. She's like the "Nan" of the YA-PNR world, if you know what I mean. >.< 
See how I just dissed her? I'm telling you.. she's so effective!

To the main villains, I only have one message: Watch out! I think Faye has more in her than you've already seen. Be ready to get your asses fried! hah! *smirks*

All in all, this book has a very interesting main plot, a number of action parts that will make you read closely and characters that you would appreciate, I guess the only negative comment that I would make is the abruptness. When I started the book it was just like falling in a rabbit hole. I was not eased into their world, I was pushed. More explanation regarding their world from the start would have been better. :) Just saying.

What I want to see next: I want to see that curse broken! I want to know about Faye's parents and I want all of the bad guys to surrender. I don't want Faye to be controlled by the elders or the people higher than the elders since apparently, there are such people in this book. I want Jezi to meet an unfortunate non-life-threatening accident that will erase her affinity bond with Jaxen. The girl just can't let it go, so an accident to help her get over it would totally be appreciated if you ask me. heh! I'm so mean... but.. but. but... :) 

This is a pretty good start of a series. I'm giving it 4 fairy wings


Candace Knoebel is the award-winning author of Born in Flames-book one in a young adult fantasy trilogy. She discovered in 2009 through lunch breaks and late nights after putting her kids to bed, a world where she could escape the ever-pressing days of an eight to five Purgatory. And an outlet for all the voices residing in her head. 

Published by 48fourteen in 2012, Born in Flames went on to win Turning the Pages Book of the Year award in February of 2013. In January of 2014, the last book in the trilogy, From the Embers, was released, thusly completing the trilogy. She now works on the Night Watchmen Series, while guzzling Red Bulls and pretending to be a ninja on Heelys.

Author Links:
Website: https://www.candaceknoebel.com
Blog: http://candaceknoebel.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CandaceKnoebel
Twitter: www.twitter.com/candaceknoebel
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6458922.Candace_Knoebel


  1. Oh wow this sounds so entertaining! I love how much the characters seem realistic, and the conflicts in the romance always makes for a really chemistry filled romance, I find. I also haven't read the Covenant series but it sounds like the VA series which I really enjoyed. And YES About the villain! A well crafted villain can make a big difference and it's often my fav part of a book like this. I love to hate the evil characters >.< Great review!

  2. Thanks for introducing me to this author and this book.

  3. Thank you so much for this awesome review! Glad you enjoyed it! ♥
