Wednesday, September 3, 2014

✲✲ BLOG TOUR - CAPTIVATE ME & IRIS by S. J. PIERCE + REVIEW by The Rock Chick Fairy + GIVEAWAYS!!! ✲✲


by S.J. Pierce 
Publication date: April 1st 2014 
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult


“My mom had always told me – when you meet “the one”, you’ll know; they’ll captivate your heart the moment you lay eyes on them. I had always wondered, though, if my mom’s words of wisdom were finite – if they applied to everyone. Maybe those who had found their one great love were the lucky few, and maybe the rest of us would have to settle for less than earth-shattering.”

Seventeen-year-old Kat Walsh is a Gifted – a human with paranormal abilities. With her mom a former Angel and her dad a dream prophet, it’s always been in her genetic make-up to be extraordinary. But, unfortunately for her, the world can’t handle the strange or unusual. So when she slips up and uses her powers at her high school in Ireland, the entire student body treats her like a freak – even the ones she thought were her closest friends.

Broken, but hopeful for a fresh start, she allows her parents to enroll her in a boarding school buried deep within the forests of a small Colorado town. At Midland Pines, School for the Gifted, she feels as though she can finally be herself; she makes new friends and even has the attention of the most popular guy in school – Levi. Everything feels normal again… or does it?

Not long after her arrival, weird dreams of an alluring boy whom she’s never met surface during the night, and the eerie, shadowy trees encircling their school seem to call to her. As these disturbing, yet enticing developments intensify, other bizarre occurrences happen – students and staff turn up missing, and mystery visitors leave gifts while she sleeps. With all of these other things fighting for her attention, a desperate Levi has to fight even harder to keep her interest. But with the dreams of the attractive boy slowly captivating her heart, Kat has to make a choice – will she settle for ‘great’ Levi, or will she search for her elusive dream visitor, possibly stumbling across ‘amazing’?

From the author of the Alyx Rayer Chronicles, comes a refreshingly different Young Adult series with plenty of love, suspense, and a new take on the Paranormal.

Recommended for readers 16 and up due to mature content.


IRIS (#1.5)
by S.J. Pierce 
Publication date: September 1st 2014 
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult


***This book is meant to be read after Captivate Me***

Set before the events in Book One of the Captivated Series, "Iris" explores the depths of family bonds, new bonds, and the lengths a person would go to save the life of a dying sibling. In this novella, get to know Iris and her two sisters more intimately, as well as Gabriel, the first angel-human hybrid who agrees to live under her protection.

Recommended for readers 16 and up due to mature content.




This book is a good start for a series.

I honestly did not expect a lot from it because at the start of the book, I was kind of bored. However, as the story goes on, gradually, it becomes more interesting. 

The main character, Kat.. is a typical teenage girl with insecurities and a lot of self degrading words. However, she's not just a simple girl. She's a daughter of a prophet and a fallen angel. Double whammy eh? It's pretty awesome to me. She's actually a pretty good main character because her reactions are just like what a normal teen would really feel. However, I just truly didn't like how she berates herself like she's some kind of an ugly person. Oh well haters gotta hate.. THEMSELVES. I wish she wouldn't be like this anymore in the next book. 

The plot needs time to unravel. As I have said, this book has a slow start, but hang on tight because you will appreciate the story once it's already in the middle. Having teens with various powers against witches is like having the x-men versus the craft. It's friggin exciting!  The mysteries make you sit down and just read. I really didn't see THAT TWIST coming. I was wowed. Kat's story is a real adventure and a roller coaster of mysteries, lies and truths. 

The love triangle between Levi and Gabriel is pretty good. I usually hate love triangles, but it sorta worked out well in here. I knew from the start that one of them would be in the friend zone. I expected it, but I honestly felt hurt for him too. :( If only a girl has two hearts. 

The ending is good and that epilogue promises retribution! I really hope that the next one comes out fast! 

4 fairy wings!


Iris is a good book for a villain's back story. I actually feel bad for the sisters. I now know that they have been through a lot too. I guess this book made me understand why they are like that in the first book. However, this does not mean that I like them. I just understand where they are coming from. It's nicely written and surprisingly detailed, considering the length of the book. Anyway, it's still good. It's not what I expected and if you read it, I think you'll be surprised too.

3.5 fairy wings



Susan James Pierce has a degree in Marketing Management, works for a Fortune 500 company in Atlanta, Georgia, and devotes her precious, spare  time to writing Fantasy, Paranormal and Sci-fi novels.

Author Links:


  1. Thank you so much for this opportunity :) the prequel is amazing and i want to read the book :)

  2. Thanks! I love finding new blogs to follow and this one looks good! Great review.. Thank you for the chance!

  3. Great review! I like the sounds of this series and how realistic Kat sounds as a teenage girl. I also love any book that can surprise me with a great twist! :) And the novella sounds like it has great information, too. I love that it delves more into the villain!

  4. "If only a girl has two hearts." So true!!! :) Thanks so much for the reviews! <3

    1. You're most welcome! :) I enjoyed it, but I need the next book FAST! haha! :) Thank YOU for writing this.

  5. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  6. Sounds like a good read.. congrats on the release!

  7. Thanks for the chance, I love to read and this sounds good!

  8. Thank you for introducing me to some great new books.

  9. thanks for the chance!!!!! Looking forward to read it!!! :)

  10. I think I'm gonna read this book too, Rock Ckick.

  11. Sounds wonderful! Thanks for the chance!
