Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Releasing October 6, 2014
Adult Contemporary Romance
Cover designed by Najla Qamber Designs

Eleanor Carrington knows how to love, and to love deeply. She also knows how it feels to have your heart torn to pieces. The blue-blooded daughter of a political heavyweight, she has never wanted for anything…

… Except the love of two very different men.

She was engaged to her second lover, Joshua McBride, only to find out he already had a wife and a child. After that ego-bashing experience, she flees to Paris to stay with her self-medicated mother. While keeping her mom from popping pills like gummy bears, Eleanor launches a new, no-strings-attached life plan: sleeping around and absolutely NO falling in love whatsoever. On her part at least, because her self-esteem could do with one or two Frenchmen going un peu crazy for her.

What she doesn’t need is for Grand Amour Number One to burst back into her life. What she doesn’t need is all-American Zachary Murdoch—or a more mature and sensitive version of him—to schmooze his way into her life again.

Now a club-owner in Paris, Zach is intrigued by the troubled woman who was once the sweet girl he had to give up. Offering a shoulder for her to cry on is what he owes her. Falling for her is what he has lost the right to.

But Paris is known as the City of Love for a reason…

Will he be her turn at love?

*** You Turn is a contemporary adult romance and part of the Second Chances series. However, Lenor’s story can be read as a stand-alone novel. There is no cliffhanger. ***

About the Author

Marion loves to share happy vibes, talk book crush, fictional boyfriends and sexual chemistry with like-minded people. And because she spends most of her days on her own deep inside her writing cave—and under the grey London sky—, you are welcome to come and say ‘hello’ from time to time. Just to make sure she doesn’t sink into insanity. Her friends, family and arch-enemies (there are quite a few) will be forever grateful for your help.

MARION is giving away a Bourjois Beauty Bag!! You can enter on her Facebook page!

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  1. Thanks for sharing the cover. Marion x

    1. You are most welcome, Miss Croslydon. Nice, hot cover you got here! :)
