Thursday, August 21, 2014


The China Dogs photo ChinaDog_zps25183abf.jpg

The China Dog by Sam Master photo ChinaDogs_zps005ae7f5.jpg

Title: The China Dogs 
Author: Sam Master 
Genre: Thriller Publish Date: August 19, 2014 
Publisher: Witness Impulse an imprint of HarperCollins  

~ Synopsis ~

Man’s best friend is about to become America’s worst enemy... When a sudden rash of deadly canine attacks hits the greater Miami area, Lieutenant “Ghost” Walton, Special Ops, takes little notice. Blame it on the heat, a rare disease, or the fact that people just don’t know how to take care of their pets. But when the body count rises, and the perimeter of blood and carnage spreads wider and wider, into the farthest reaches of Miami-Dade county, Ghost has no choice but to pay attention. Doggedly, he tries to uncover the link between these lethal incidents, but he doesn’t count on falling for a sassy out-of-towner with a dark past, nor does he expect to stumble onto a plot that threatens national security. 

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Where to Purchase

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I was given an arc in exchange for an honest review

DISCLAIMER #1: I have said it before and I will say it again and again when I review thrillers/mystery/suspense/horror books... I review books according to how I feel after I read it. I'll try really hard to let you guys know how I feel about this book.

DISCLAIMER #2: This is a review for a FICTION book and all the things that I'm about to write is solely for the review of this book, nothing more than that.

DISCLAIMER #3: I own two dogs. One is a five year old Japanese Spitz, the other is a 4 month old Shih - tzu and I love them to pieces, so forgive me if I don't post a lot of bad things regarding the dogs in this book even though they are technically part of the bad guys brigade. 

China Dogs is a book that you'd probably see in a slow-burn shelf. It builds up gradually. It doesn't have a lot of full on action, but it does contain gruesome details that will make you wretch if you pay a lot of attention to it. I will be very honest as to say that I almost dropped this book because I was bored at the start. Don't drop it though! Read it through and you'll see... it gets better. 


It's as thick as concrete. The plot is nicely woven, interlaced and pretty much sealed with iron bars. I did not get the entirety of it until I was about 85% done with the book. It revolves around a plan to put down the US, a plan concocted by a mad general and a president (together with his other allies) of China who's still clinging to power. They sic the devil dogs on unsuspecting American civilians and all hell breaks loose.



The hero is described to be freaky since he's albino. In my head, he looks like the guy from Resident Evil. The bad one, Albert Wesker.

There's just something about this guy that reminds me of him. Hmm.. Anyway, obviously, our hero is not bad. He has a strong sense of justice.

I love the fact that he knows when to fight physically and when to fight in the sidelines. He's not hot tempered. He seems to be  pretty cool guy. He just takes his job seriously (thank God for that). I think his best scenes are those of him brushing off angry officials. I like his "I-don't-care-what-y'all-say-I'm-doing-what-I-want-now" attitude. He is in fact a lover AND a fighter. I like how he developed feelings for the heroine and how unafraid he was of showing it. :)


The heroine is pretty good at figuring things out. She's kick ass, yet sweet and really nice to our hero. I like her, but then I was so focused on the hero that she just blended in the limelight. Hmm..

Danny is a good hacker but a sucker brother. I don't care how good of a hack lead he's following... He needs to talk to his sister more.

The Scientists are to be pitied. I hated them at first, but in an unexpected twist in the plot, I pity them. What they thought was true is just a covered up lie, it's heartbreaking.

The dogs are to be pitied more! Mygosh! The things they did to those poor

The bad guys are really tough and so intelligent, it's not laughable. I like how the author depicted them. They seem to have honor in mind and yet they create violence. It's so weird. I can't explain it. Maybe this is why they make such good villains, I couldn't figure them out. Well, all except for one. The General? Ooohh.. I could really explain them to y'all, but that would mean heavy spoilers so all I can say is that you better watch out for his um.. dark character. -_-


I can't exactly call them action parts since they were all darn vicious. I admire the author's way of describing what he wants his readers to see. I COULD TOTALLY SEE RIPPED FACES, TORN LIMBS, CUT OFF FINGERS AND CHEWED OUT STOMACHS. I know, I know blood and gore. I don't love it, but I still salute the author for making me vividly see these in my imagination. It made me want to be there and go all kickass on the dogs, even though I have no idea how to shoot.

THE ENDING and my issues with it

I said so before, I almost dropped this book because I was bored at first... but then the story picked up and there were lots of heart pounding scenes... and then that ending happened. It felt incomplete. :( I'm sorry, but there's just something missing. If only the author gave me something more... like 5-10 pages more about the wrap up. I wanted to know more about the virus. Is this a series? Why was it cut off like that? Hmm...

All in all

I enjoyed the good parts of this book. I love the thrill etc. I was going to give this a 4, but then that ending happened. I'm giving this 3.5 fairy wings!


Chapter 1

 Gobi Desert, Northeastern China The silver buses drive across the land of endless sand. Onboard are prisoners from China’s notorious Death Row. Rapists, serial murderers, and child abusers. Twenty men about to be given an extraordinary chance to live. To wipe the slate clean. The long vehicles that carry them are equipped with lethal electrocution equipment, state-of-the-art technology designed to deliver on-the-spot executions. The inmates can choose to stay on board and be quickly put to death; their organs harvested there and then and sold to those needing donations. Or—when the doors swing open—they can run for their lives. Run into one of the largest deserts in the world and take their chances with what lies out there. Air brakes hiss, sand sprays, and the five buses come to a syn- chronized stop in the blistering heat. Three army copters hover in the sweltering air. Military bosses watch like circling vultures. On cue, automated locks clunk and the big doors of the ve- hicles slide open. Clouds of hot sand rise as the bare feet of desperate men jump and run from the vehicles. No one remains. Six miles away—six miles north, south, east, and west—the doors of four armored personnel carriers also open . General Fu Zhang peers down like God. Watches life and death play out. People reduced to black dots, scattered like dung beetles. He can’t help but think it would be better for the men if they’d stayed on the buses. Their deaths would be less painful. The leader of China’s armed forces follows each and every fa- tality on his video monitor. Nonchalantly, he waves a hand to the pilot to return to base. He is pleased. Seldom has he seen such efficient slaughter. Such economic carnage. Project Nian is nearing completion.


SAM MASTERS is a pseudonym for an author who has written seven books, including a bestseller that has sold in more than 30 countries. This is his first novel for Witness.



Five BlueFire Downloads

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