Sunday, July 20, 2014

❤❤❤ WHEN YOU ARE MINE by Kennedy Ryan: A Midnight Fairy Book Review + Book Trailer ❤❤❤

❤ Synopsis:

Forever is a heartbeat away...

Kerris Moreton knows how to make things work. Bounced from foster home to foster home as a kid, she adapted; when opportunity arose, she thrived. Now, about to open her own business and accept a marriage proposal, Kerris is ready to build the life she's always wanted. The only thing missing? A passionate connection with her would-be fiancé, Cam. Kerris wants to believe that sparks are overrated-until Walsh Bennett lights her up like the Fourth of July.

... but what about love?

As one of the East Coast's most eligible bachelors, Walsh enjoys financial independence, fulfilling work with his family's nonprofit, and plenty of female attention. But lately he's been distracted by the one woman he can't have. Lovely to look at and even sweeter to know, Kerris is the soul mate Walsh never thought he would find. The problem is, his best friend found her first...
❤ Links:

❤ Review:

I picked this book because a friend of mine (The Mauve Fairy) showed me a link to the author's book trailer making contest. I really wanted to join, so, I decided to read the book. It was a very emotional read, kinda depressing too but because of the emotions the book evoked, I got a pretty good material for making the book trailer. ㋡

❤ The Characters: 

Kerris Moreton grew up in a foster home, she has no memory of her parents and she doesn't even know her ethnicity. She had a difficult past but she still became a good person. She have a kind heart, always tries to help people and isn't afraid to work hard. I genuinely liked Kerris character because she's resilient, I like her drive to succeed and she's really REALLY kind. However, her kindness is probably both her strength and her downfall in this book. She's so afraid to hurt other people that it holds her back from grabbing the life, the happiness, the passion, that she's been looking for all her life. 

Walsh Bennett on the other hand was born from a wealthy family. He's a businessman and a philanthropist. It's not hard to fall for the guy because he has a huge heart. He likes to help other people, specially the children. The guy is also a closet romantic! I didn't expect an alpha male like him would believe about soul mates and love at first sight. Anyway, he immediately fell in love with Kerris the moment he saw her. However, Kerris is already spoken for. She is his best friend's girlfriend. Despite how much he wants to be with Kerris, he was also raised to be a good man, so, he couldn't act on it. He tried to suppress his feelings but it slips out every now and then specially when he and Kerris share a highly intense and emotional moments.

❤ The Story:

When I read the blurb, the first thing that came into my mind was the song "Sad To Belong To Someone Else" by England Dan & John Ford Coley. It was very apt for the story (I didn't use it for my book trailer though). Anyway, I think the lyrics pretty much summed up Walsh and Kerris story.

♫ Oh, I wake up in the night
And I reach beside me
Hoping you would be there

But instead I find someone
Who believed in me when I said
I'd always care.

Oh its sad to belong to someone else
When the right one comes along,
Yes, its sad to belong to someone else
When the right one comes along. 

Honestly, I hate love triangles because it's so messy and it could cause a lot of pain to the people involved. I always empathize with the person that was cheated  on (unless they end up being a jerk). And Cam is a very nice guy, I understood why Kerris and Walsh are trying to fight their feelings to protect this one guy they both love and care about. They never really cheated on Cam (unless you count a couple of kisses as cheating), but in their hearts and their minds, they already did. That's why I'm torn. I couldn't decide whether I should get mad in behalf of Cam or to root for Kerris and Walsh despite how inappropriate it would be in the eyes of other people. The love triangle aspect in this book gives us an excellent perspective on why relationship ends or why some people ends up cheating on their partners. Sometimes it isn't just about lust or being stupid, it's also possible that deep emotions are involved. 

I couldn't say that Kerris and Walsh handled their "thing" well, because despite the fact that they didn't really act on it, every time I read about their struggles and agony about not being together, it's just too painful. It makes me wish that they've tried harder for them to be together instead of avoiding each other. Its freaking depressing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something or SOMEONE will step up and break the love triangle in the next book. Please I'm begging here! My heart bleeds for all of them. At Cam--- for not being the only guy Kerris loves, Walsh--- for not being with the woman he loves, at Kerris-- for being torn apart because she is loved by two guys, and at Jo for her unrequited love. I read the preview of book 2 and damn, it looks like Cam will turn into a jerk. I really don't want him to be the "bad guy" in the next book, however if its the only way...*sigh* I really need the book 2 now!

❤ The Writing:

I think the writing is pretty solid. I fell in love with a lot of lines in this book! In my opinion, any book that brings an avalanche of emotion is a good one. I  grew frustrated, annoyed, depressed and I even teared up towards the last part of the book. It was Walsh' parents that made me cry! The plot is engaging, the characters are complex and layered, and the drama... well, it made me cry! It's really good. I also liked the fact that the book was written in dual POV, that made it easier for me to understand what the characters were going through.

❤ Rating:

The story doesn't have an HEA (yet) but I gave it a 4- Fairy Wings rating because it's different from the usual new adult novels available nowadays. Also, I think it's a very promising series and I'm looking forward to read the next book. I promise this book will give you an emotional roller coaster ride. Prepare to fall in love, be frustrated, angry and be an emotional basket case by the end of the book. 

I highly recommend When You Are Mine to those who enjoy books about forbidden love and love triangles.

❤ Book Trailer:

If you enjoyed the book trailer, please vote for the video (Book Trailer #2 by Novel) here. Thanks!!!

I write contemporary romance and women's fiction. I always give my characters their happily ever after, but I love to make them work for it! It's a long road to love, so sit back and enjoy the ride. 

In an alternative universe and under my government name Tina Dula, I am wife to the love of my life, mom to a special, beautiful son, and a friend to those living with autism through my foundation Myles-A-Part.

25% of my royalties from my first book WHEN YOU ARE MINE go toward assistance for families living with Autism.

❤ Author Links:

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