Saturday, July 12, 2014


Sid (The Protectors #4)
Renowned for his playboy lifestyle and wisecrack remarks, Sid Sinclair knows he is the last pick for the lead investigator of human/half-breed trafficking. Never one to play by the rules, Sid takes his new position seriously, but not without driving the leader of the VC Council and fellow Warrior’s crazy. 

A human with a special gift, Lana Fitzpatrick’s life is complicated. When Sid Sinclair charges into her life, her complicated life becomes torturous; his charm and wit draws her in like no other. Having dealt with alpha men most of her life, she is a match made in heaven for the VC Warrior who thinks he is God’s gift to women.

As the world of vampires and humans try to coexist, Sid and Lana’s lives intertwine. It doesn't take long before the sparks between the two fly and for them to realize they have both finally met their match.

“Not only am I the cook, comedian, handsome, witty and charming Warrior, I also excel in eavesdropping.”
“You are mine, Lana.” Sid’s eyes were black with possessiveness. “I have never said that to anyone in my long life, but you are mine. I don’t share with anyone, and I will hunt that motherfucker down if he calls you again.”

A Fire Fairy Review

If you love paranormal romance then I highly recommend this series for you. This is one of my favorite series ever!

The warriors are back in this 4th installment of Teresa Gabelman's The Protectors series. This time it's man-whore Sidilicious' story (I can't stop grinning when I was typing this). Sid has been appearing since the first book and if you're following the series you may know him as the cockiest, silliest, funniest, most handsome (says himself) happy-go-lucky warrior. Not to mention that he can cook like Rachel Ray, this handsome warrior is truly 'god's gift to women' (again, says himself).

In his own book, Sid has finally been assigned the important role of lead investigator of human/half-breed trafficking. During a top-secret operation, he meets Lana Fitzpatrick. An undercover cop who can communicate with dead people. A women with spunk and a wisecrack herself, Lana is just the perfect woman for the witty warrior. And sparks fly whenever these two are together. 

Of the five books released in the series, this is my favorite so far. I was already expecting it even before I read the book simply because it's Sid's book! He's always been an interesting character and I was just so excited to read his book. This book got everything I love in Teresa's books and in paranormal romance in general. It's funny, action-packed, steamy-hot, heart-tugging, has awesome characters, and a solid story. I love the interaction between the characters. They just crack me up. Even the side stories are awesome esp Slade and Jill's story. This couple is definitely to watch out for.

One of the things I love about this book, and the rest of the books in the series, is that the key characters don't get left behind. You can still read about the other couples and what's happening with them. One of my favorite scenes is probably the Slade Train incident. That was really funny and I will still highly recommend this book for just that scene alone. Talking about classic funny, lol!

*Sigh* Again, Teresa Gabelman has successfully got me thoroughly entertained and begging for more. She got me laughing at some parts and crying at the next part. It isn't a cliffhanger but the author has left enough teaser to get me excited for the next few books.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR PARANORMAL ROMANCE FANS! You're missing a lot if you don't read this series.

5 out of 5 Fairy Wings for SID! This book is just plain awesome!

Adam (The Protectors, #5)

Half-breed vampire, Adam Pride, has an almighty chip on his broad shoulders. Trying to move on after finding Angelina married to another, Adam has a decision to make. Remove the chip and move on or kill the man who took what he wanted most in the world, his Angel.

With his heart in pieces, Adam’s on a mission to become the best VC Warrior he can be. It’s not long before fate steps in, turning his world and life as he knows it upside down. Shocking revelations will realign allegiances and draw the VC Warriors onto a new path. This journey is not Adam’s alone. Every Warrior, half-breed and human will be affected by what is to come. The unknown awaits. The battle has just begun.

Adam landed against the wall with a loud thud. Dragging his arm up to wipe his nose, he glanced down spotting the blood, his blood. Well, he had expected to get his ass kicked, but not by a girl. His eyes landed on Jill as he pushed himself off the wall and headed in her direction.
If Adam was to ever have a man-crush, it would be on Sloan, because at that moment, he loved this son of a bitch. He was a total badass.

A Fire fairy Review 

The 5th and latest book of The Protectors series is here! And it's young Adam Pride's time to shine!

One of the newest Warriors, Adam knew he still got a lot to learn as a warrior. Having fucked up a few times in the past, Adam must prove that he deserves to be a warrior. With Angelina married and with lingering doubts still in his head, he must focus on his training and try to move on without her.

Okay... This book has got me hyped up and a bit disappointed at the same time. A bit disappointed because I wanted more of Adam and Angelina. It appears that only half of the book is about them. The other half is about what to appear in the future books. I'm not really complaining. Like I've said, it hyped me up - made me excited for what's coming.

Although it wasn't really centered on Adam, this was still excellently written. I still fully enjoyed the book because the whole gang is present. Still funny as ever, and definitely action-packed. Teresa is shifting the story to a much grander plot and I'm so excited! And... Another warrior to watch out for. Jax is one bad-ass warrior! I'm definitely waiting to see his part in Teresa's grand scheme. 

All in all, this is 4 Fairy Wings for me. I love the book and totally enjoyed it but it wasn't what I was expecting so I have to deduct a star for it. But it doesn't mean that it's not a great book. It is! I just wanted more of Adam. Nevertheless, I love this series so much and I can't wait for the next books.


Teresa Gabelman lives in Bethel, Ohio with her husband, son, two dogs and her son's snake, Steve Irwin. She is a third degree black belt in Taekwondo, is a huge Mixed Martial Arts fan and follows her husbands MMA fight team, G-Force, which her son fights for. When not writing she is either screaming like a crazy woman at MMA fights or reading in some quiet corner with her Kindle. She loves books that are fast reads filled with romance, humor, sexy alpha men and the women who drive them crazy.

Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
Jared (The Protectors Series) Book #2
Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book #3
Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4

1 comment:

  1. Totally love this series... great reviews!!!
