Tuesday, July 15, 2014


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Title: The Cutting Author: James Hayman 
Genre: Crime/Thriller/Mystery 
Publish Date: June 3, 2014 
Publisher: Witness Impulse an imprint of HarperCollins 
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc. 

  Summer is the perfect time for a good thriller. This summer we are hosting a read-along of James Hayman's McCabe and Savage series. We’re inviting a few select blogs to join along in the McCabe and Savage Read-along and read all three books in the series, at no cost to you of course! We are hosting the read-along on our Witness Goodreads page and would ask that you pop in to Goodreads from time to time to join the discussion.

June 20 - Start reading THE CUTTING, the first book in the series
July 18 - Discussion with James Hayman on Goodreads
July 21 - Start reading CHILL OF NIGHT, the second book in the series
August 15 - Discussion with James Hayman on Goodreads
August 18 - Finish up with DARKNESS FIRST
September 12 Discussion with James Hayman on Goodreads

  We’re using the hashtag, #savagereads, to accompany discussions about the read-along. Feel free to tweet about it as well. Also feel free to tag the Witness Facebook Page in any Facebook messages you may right about the read-along: https://www.facebook.com/WitnessImpulse Hope you join our #SavageRead Along for a summer of chills and thrills.  

 Book Synopsis 

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The first novel in the nationally bestselling McCabe and Savage series—perfect for fans of John Sandford and CJ Box. Someone is stealing the hearts of beautiful women... Detective Mike McCabe moved from a top homicide job with the NYPD to Portland, Maine to leave his failed marriage and suspicions of wrongdoing behind, and to find a more peaceful life for himself and his 13 year old daughter. But the small New England city is not nearly as safe as he thought. On a warm September night, a missing high-school athlete is found dead in a scrap metal yard, her heart removed from her body with surgical precision.As outrage over the killingspreads, a young business woman disappears while out on a morning jog. McCabe is certain both crimes are the work of one man—a murderer skilled in cardiac surgery who is using his scalpel to target young women. With the clock ticking, McCabe and his partner Maggie Savage find themselves in a desperate race against time to find and rescue the missing woman before she becomes the next victim of the sadistic killer's blade.    

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I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

DISCLAIMER: I realized that I haven't really reviewed a full-on crime novel. I read and review lots, but a crime book is not really very popular on my list. I'm saying this now because I may have a hard time describing what went on in this book. As I have written many times before, I review books based on my feelings after I read it. I am sure that I loved this book! However, this needs me to be more keen on "details" rather than feelings. I shall try hard. I swear it. :) 

A little background of me... I love, love, just LOVE CSI. I have a collection of CSI LAS VEGAS and I'm continuing to collect the episodes of CSI MIAMI. Since I love those shows, I thought I should try a book that's right up the crime/mystery alley. This book is a breath of fresh air for me. I know that it was published a few years ago, but to me... it's still new. I didn't know what to expect while reading this, but I must say... it exceeded all expectations that I could've had subcsciously.


The Cutting has a pretty straightfoward plot. A killer/group of killers is/are cutting up people and getting their hearts. It's hard to pinpoint who's who, but I would definitely say that at least one of my many suspicions was right. This follows the life of a divorced cop with a daughter. It follows his personal battle in life which painfully coincides with the need to protect citizens. I probably read this book with a thought in mind... "Maybe this is real somewhere in the world". This book is full of action, you'll see a maze of lies, connivance, tragedy and hope. Many have died. One is still missing and the clock is still ticking.


His job:

He's the imperfect police officer, but a damn good one. He's also a brilliant guy because he's blessed with an awfully sharp memory. HE REMEMBERS EVERYTHING. It's awesome. I have read quite a few books with the guy having this kind of a condition, but this is so special in his case because maaannn, A COP having a great memory? THAT'S VERY HANDY. He'd never forget the ones he arrested, never forget people he had met and he'll never forget. ;p Kidding aside, it's just great because I think he is in the right field.

His relationships with the women in his life:

I get that he's trying to be the best father. He's trying to give his daughter everything, but he'd also been burned by the mom, so I guess it's safe to say that his relationship with his family is pretty strained. I would also say that his relationship by his girlfriend is kind of unstable.. What with his partner doing an inappropriate thing to him and him thinking about that inappropriate thing later on. It's just too rocky to call stable. I guess that's just his life. It's imperfect, but it's his life.

His POV:

AWESOME! It really is awesome. I like how quick he thinks and I like it when he barks orders so suddenly. I think I like his all macho picture in my head too. lol. I also like his conscience. His POV gives us a glimpse of how a cop thinks and it's a nice to know what a cop thinks when he shoots someone no matter how scary it is. I kind of believe in how he feels. It may be fictional, but as they say... all fiction comes from a grain of truth.


The other characters are crucial in this book. The bad guys are real darn bad. I know that there are real psychos in this world, but this book pretty much rounds them all up into one crazy mess, which is why I personally like Mccabe's partner. She's a badass and I would love to have her as a friend since she literally will kill someone who'll try to kill me. :)


I would say that I was 85% sure about who the killer was. Turns out. I was right, but what I didn't really see coming  is the gravity of the situation. I didn't see how big of an operation this was. It's mindblowing.


It wrapped up nicely. I think it ended the way it's supposed to end. It's just that I'm probably waiting for more... like what happens after that? What happens to the others? Is there a novella somewhere? Hmmm.. I guess not.


I am giving this 4.5 fairy wings. We fairies love action. :) This book is like a movie in my head! I recommend this to those who love a good action, mystery and a bit of drama.

About the Author

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JAMES HAYMAN, formerly creative director at one of New York’s largest advertising agencies, is the author of the acclaimed Mike McCabe series: The Cutting, The Chill of Night, and Darkness First.

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