Thursday, June 12, 2014

✿✿✿ MY SOUL IMMORTAL by JEN PRINTY: A Fire Fairy Book Review✿✿✿

Title: My Soul Immortal (Fated Eternals #1)
Author: Jen Printy
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Age Bracket: 16+
Date Published: Feb. 15, 2014
Published by:
Red Adept Publishing

An endless love, for an endless price...
Jack's immortality is exposed when he prevents a liquor store heist, forcing him to flee to protect his secret-a secret not even he understands. But when he meets Leah Winters-a mirror image of his decades-lost love, Lydia-his very soul is laid bare. He begins to question his sanity. Is she real, and if so, what does that mean for Jack and his secret?
Jack's not the only mystery man in town. A stranger named Artagan hints at knowledge Jack is desperate to possess. But can he trust Artagan, or does the dark newcomer harbor deadly secrets of his own?
As Jack's bond with Leah grows, so does the danger to her life. Jack must discover just how much he is willing to risk in order to save the woman he already lost once.

A Fire Fairy Review

I received an e-copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

My Soul Immortal is a story about Jack Hammond, an immortal trapped in the nightmares of his past. He carried the guilt on the death of his father and Lydia, the love of his life. After a night that could possibly reveal his true nature forced him to move to another place. And there he met Leah, a dead-ringer to his Lydia, and Taragan, a man who might just be like him, and holds the key to all his questions.

Believing himself to be damned, he tries to stay away from Leah, but their attraction can't be denied. As more mysteries are revealed, the more danger dangerous it becomes for Jack and Leah. Will they finally find eternal love or will Jack face his fate that's worse than death?

As a romance book, I was surprised that the story was told in Jack's POV. It was a refreshing change from the usual heroine's POV. But sadly, it still felt like it was on a girl's POV. I had a hard time liking Jack's character at first. He was depressing, whiny, and weak. Leah's character was even stronger than his. It was a good thing he redeemed himself towards the end.

The first few chapters of the book were good. It was interesting and I wanted to read more to find out the secrets of Jack's immortality. Unfortunately I got bored in the middle chapters. It felt like a lot of fillers were added just to make the book longer. The romance was bland and I didn't feel the spark or chemistry between Jack and Leah. I figured this isn't just about romance but still, I wanted more. There was one time that I thought about not finishing this book but I decided to continue anyway. I'm glad I did because the last chapters were great. It was exciting and I'm just so happy that Jack finally decided to be man enough. I loved the ending and the author has given enough teaser for me to look forward to the next book. Yup, I would definitely read the next book.

I give My Soul Immortal 3.5 fairy wings. It was a good book, I was entertained in some parts but I got bored in some. The book holds a lot of promise and I can feel that the series will just get better with the next book. I want to recommend this to readers who want a paranormal story that isn't heavy on romance. I also want to recommend this to male readers who reads YA paranormal.

About the Author

Since childhood, Jen Printy has been writing. Whether stories about a fantasy world or everyday life in Maine, Jen loved losing herself in the worlds she created on paper. The arts in all forms have always been an important part of Jen's life, a love instilled in her by her father. When Jen isn't writing, she's sculpting as a freelance doll artist.

Jen lives with her husband, two daughters, and diva dog Cookie in southern Maine, where she loves spending time friends and family, finding treasures along the seashore, or enjoying a Guinness at her favorite local pub.
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