Monday, June 23, 2014

✇MONSTER HUNTER NEMESIS (Monster Hunter International #5) by Larry Correia: A Midnight Fairy Book Review ✇

#5 in multiple New York Times bestseller Larry Correia's Monster Hunter series. 

Agent Franks of the U.S. Monster Control Bureau is a man of many parts - parts from other people, that is. Franks is six foot five and all muscle. He's nearly indestructible. Plus he's animated by a powerful alchemical substance and inhabited by a super-intelligent spirit more ancient than humanity itself. Good thing he's on our side. More or less. Sworn to serve and protect the United States of America from all monsters by one of the country's founding fathers, Franks has only one condition to the agreement: no matter what the government learns of him, no matter what is discovered concerning his odd physiology or the alchemy behind the elixir that made him, the government is never, ever allowed to try and make more like him. Such is absolutely forbidden and should the powers-that-be do so, then the agreement is null and void. 

Project Nemesis: in a secret location, using sophisticated technology and advanced genetic engineering, the director of the very agency Franks works for is making more like him. And the director is not content with making one. Nope, he's making thirteen. Now all bets are off, and Hell hath no fury like a monster betrayed. Particularly if that monster happens to be an undying killing machine capable of taking out vampires and werewolves with one hand tied behind his back.

I received an eARC (Electronic Advance Reader Copy) via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


"Franks is like the definition of does not give a sh*t. He’s cold. He’s got extra hearts, but he doesn’t have a heart." -Archer

When I heard that the MHI#5 will be Frank's story, I wasn't really excited. We all know him as the MCB's number one weapon and that he isn't actually a human. So, I thought his story is going to be boring, but I was wrong. Sure, Frank rarely talk about his past and emotion (he sometimes have them, I think) but Monster Hunter Nemesis sort of humanized Frank. It recounts Frank's creation, his years learning the human ways with his creator (Dr. Dippel), his agreement with Benjamin Franklin, his love life (I'm not kidding, he actually had one) etc... Obviously it has a different tone from the usual MHI books because Frank doesn't have Owen's humor, but it was still a very good read. I absolutely enjoyed the action and there are twists in the plot that could blow your mind.

The book is written in multiple POV's which can be a little confusing, but I liked it because it's easier to understand the motivation of each characters. If you are looking for the MHI gang, they do have a brief appearance in this book. Also, If you remember who Heather "Red" Kerkonen was, she had an encounter with Franks. Even though she's a pretty good fighter and I truly admire her skills, she's no match to Franks. Earl on the other hand... let's just say it's a fight you should look forward to. ㋡ 

I gave this book a 4.5-Fairy Wings rating (instead of the usual 5) because the book started slow, it took me a while to get into it. However, when the action started, I was hooked until the end! Monster Hunter Nemesis is your typical Correia book, it's loaded with action, supernatural creatures, guns and ammos, monster hunters, explosions, blood, politics, and deaths. The ending though, sjdhfaksjhdfskdjh, I just can't... it was a total mind f*ck. I really REALLY need the next book now!

This book is highly recommended to Action and Urban Fantasy readers. If you haven't read the first book yet, you should totally get a copy now!

Monster Hunter Nemesis will be available for purchase on July 1, 2014.

Click the links to read our reviews of the previous MHI books:

About the Author

Larry Correia is the New York Times bestselling author of the Monster Hunter International series, the Grimnoir Chronicles, and the thriller Dead Six.
My next novel, Monster Hunter Nemesis, will be available July 1, 2014. All of my books are available in eBook format from the Kindle store or at, and in audiobook on

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