Tuesday, June 24, 2014


The Silver Sickle by Ellie Ann 
Published by: Stonehouse Ink
Publication date: July 2013
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult

THE SILVER SICKLE is for fans of steampunk, cyberpunk, Veronica Roth, Scott Westerfield, and Allie Condie.
The end of humanity will come through the Silver Sickle . . .

Farissa lives every moment with reckless abandon, for it may be her last. Any day now, the alien goddesses will harvest her and take her to the mysterious Silver Sickle, never to return. She’s accepted that. What she can’t accept is this new idea of freedom Zel has planted in her head. She’d give almost anything to be with Zel, but how can she run from her destiny if it means putting the whole kingdom in danger?

Everyone in the desert kingdom believes the goddesses are immortal, but Zel has invented a way to kill them. Now all he has to do is convince Farissa to run away with him and plant a seed of hope in her heart that she’s not destined to die. Little does he know that one seed of hope could change the course of the future.


I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I've never been a hardcore fan of YA. I loved some books but most of the time it was just okay for me. This book is one of those that I liked. If you love YA Fantasy then this book is for you! It has adventure, romance, a solid storyline, and sometimes, humor. It has some steampunk elements in it, although I can't really consider the book a steampnuk one because it has a different setting.

For thousands of years, humans have been worshipping a race called Amars. They have been led to believe that Amars are immortal goddesses, when in truth they, too, can die. The Amars select young women to be consecrated, which will be eventually offered to the silver sickle. Most people believe it's an honor to be chosen as consecrated. But Zel and Farissa didn't believe so. For years Zel has been looking for a way to kill an Amar and to save Farissa, who's already resigned to her fate. This story is a thrilling adventure of how Zel, with the help of another race called cogsmen, saved not only Farissa but the whole human race.

The Silver Sickle is narrated in three POVs. Farissa's, Zel's, and Gira's. I like Farissa's character. She's brave, loyal, funny, smart and puts others before her. All in all she's cool and sassy. She knows how to make-do in tight situations. How can you not like a heroine who climbs walls and race horses? Not to mention run in steam pipes! Zel, the story's hero, has been in love with Farissa forever. He's the cogsmaster's apprentice and is very gifted with machines. He never gives up until he finds a way to save Farissa. I like his character because he is brave and very loyal to Farissa. Gira is the leader of the Amars. She's the evil leader of the Amars. But then again, the 'Evil' in the book is subjective. Even with the things she does to humans, you can't really consider it as evil because it's for the survival of her race. In the Amar's point of view, humans are prey and food to her race. In a way I also like Gira. Her devotion and deep love to her race is really admirable. I was touched by one scene where they mourned an Amar who died. It shows deep bonding between the goddeses.
Story-wise, this book is stunning and fascinating. I was immediately sucked into the world of Dyn. Ellie Ann created a wonderful mix of medieval, middle-eastern flavor, steampunk, and sci-fi world. The story will make you feel like your watching a movie. I also love how the author surprised me with scenes that I didn't have coming. This book is so unique in a way that you don't know what's gonna happen next.

Although there is an element of romance in the book, the story is not centered on Zel and Farissa's feelings. It's a play on racism and superiority where the inferior people get to be the victims of those on the top. And that there are two sides on a coin. What is deemed evil by others may not be for certain people; and in order to survive, sacrifices have to be made, and victims must choose to fight back. 

I'm giving The Silver Sickle 5 fairy wings for being the most unique and one of the most wonderful stories I've read this year. I wish I get to read more refreshing stories like this. I want to recommend the book to all people who can read ages 16 and up, especially to YA Fantasy and Steampunk readers. Honestly, I want to recommend this to everyone but there are some violent scenes that might be inappropriate to younger readers.



Ellie Ann is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of science fiction, comics, and thrillers.

I was born in the jungles of Thailand, was raised in a small farming village in Iowa, lived in the middle of a Texan desert, and now abide in the Ozarks.

I like writing fairy tales, tall tales, thrillers, science fiction, and am seriously interested in transmedia storytelling.

I’m a creative editor for Stonehouse Ink. I’m a producer of interactive books at Noble Beast.

Come say hi! I don’t bite. Unless I’ve been turned into a zombie.



  1. oh my goodness! This made my day, thanks so much for the review! I love your site and your style. :) Hope you have a great day.

  2. Wow this sounds fantastic and so unique! I also like how great all the narrators sound. I think I would especially like Farissa and her personality and for how brave she is. I also like that it doesn't have a huge focus on the romance, that's refreshing if you ask me. So happy you liked it! :)

  3. Thank you for the wonderful book, Ms. Ellie! It was a pleasure reading it! <3
