Sunday, June 22, 2014

✓"3 Reasons Why You Should Attend a Book Signing Event" by Haul Fairy

Hi guys. I’m haul fairy. And I’m addicted to books, book collecting, book signing and anything it has to do with books, except for book burning. Haha. Kidding aside. I want to share with you guys how fun it is to go to book signing events and encourage you to get out of the house, stand up from your sofa, you couch potato and go with me/us to a fun and exciting book signing event!

Reason #1: Meet cool authors

I had a chance to meet up these cool and brilliant authors in a once in a lifetime event because they seldom go here in the Philippines and only NBS (National Book Store) sponsors YA authors. I met Peter Lerangis also, but I didn't have a picture with him. ☹

Reason#2: Get out of your bat cave and Socialize!

During these events, I met several booknerds like me that i knew online. We exchange book recommendations, latest news in the book world, gossips, book trade, saving seats for each other, saving slot in line, screaming with each other and having fun together! It’s worth the wait and falling in line in 5am. Early bird catches the good seats, remember that guys!

Reason #3: Get your books signed!

Nothing beats the purpose of falling in line, resisting hunger and the feeling of urinating but to get your books signed! Yehey! You can also get some other free swags, book marks, pen, sticker, ARCs, eyebags and UTI’s. Lol!

See you there next time guys! Don’t forget to say hello! ㋡ 

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