Saturday, May 24, 2014

♡♡♡ WHERE THERE'S SMOKE by ELIZABETH LEE: A Rock Chick Fairy Book Review ♡♡♡

Hey everyone! Rock Chick Fairy here. Today, I am giving y'all a New Adult book with a different feel. Tired of the same old NA? Try this action-crime-mystery-romance book! It was recommended by an author  close to my heart, and I loved it! I hope y'all can give this one a shot. ^_^

There is something to be said for letting go. Ryland Roberts knows that better than anyone. He'd let go of his ambitions, of his family and—most of all—of her. He'd perfected the art of putting his past behind him and accepted the fact that the town he wanted to leave in his rearview was the place where he was going to live out his days. But sometimes the past doesn't just go away. Sometimes it comes back to haunt you. Piper Jameson convinced herself that she left for all the right reasons. She'd saved people by leaving—made sure that they weren't tainted by her rebellious ways. When her little sister asks her to come home and say goodbye to their ailing mother, she's forced to see that things aren't always as they seem. The people who she'd left behind might not have been saved at all.  In the amount of time it takes a bullet to travel from point A to point B, Piper and Ryland will have to put their feelings for each other aside and make a choice. Forced on the run with Piper's sister, they begin to understand that the future they thought was gone was never really lost.

Get this from:

Ryland and Piper just made my day. :) 


The story is refreshing to me because I haven't read a NA book with the same kind of action-crime feel. This is good because I didn't really know what to expect. To be honest, I just read this because Caisey Quinn, a fave author of mine posted this on Facebook and I decided to give it a shot. Thank God for that. I would've missed out on a very good story.


It revolves around our two lovely characters, Ryland and Piper (pretty badass names, if I may say so myself ;p ).

Ryland, the guy who was left behind. He's the nice guy and he's the guy with an unrequitted love. I like him because he will do anything and everything for the love of his life. LITERALLY. Piper, the girl who's always been misunderstood and abused. She's a strong one and I totally believed in her the whole time I was reading this book. There's just something about having a girl pilot as the main character that makes her more awesome! ;)


Modern Bonnie and Clyde... NOT.

These two characters may have been in a crime scene, but that doesn't mean that they are criminals. It goes way deeper than teenage rebellion. It's twisted and it's pretty complicated.  They were caught in the middle of a crime and they both took the fall...well, in their own ways. They had this perfect dream when they were younger, and all were just... shattered when THAT something happened.

I feel really bad for Ryland because while reading this, I felt like he was in some kind of limbo... not that Piper didn't suffer as well, all I'm saying is that Ryland drew the short straw in this story.

When Piper got back in town, I remember pushing them together in my mind.  I was mentally chanting:


I mean, after a few years of not seeing each other because of the bad circumstances, all I wanted was for them to get back together because their POVs are just both... miserable. :(


The way they got back together / the reason that they did was such a shocker that I think my jaw really dropped. The villain here, Piper's dad was so much of a big control freak that I really didn't see that coming... I repeat, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! It was such a big event that I thought there would surely be bigger problems, and I wasn't wrong. Living like THAT couldn't have been easy no matter which angle I look at it.

Arrrggh, it's so hard to give a spoiler free review. I swear! Haha!


This book's ending is pretty good. It gives highlight to Piper and Ryland's story, and yet it also opens up a big archway for the next book. It is satisfying. :)


So here goes, I really thought that Hadley, Piper's sister, was psychotic. I thought there was a twist somewhere wherein she would grab Piper and just be done with it or something. Haha! I'm writing this down so other readers would not dare imagine what my overactive imagination did.


Ryland's future. Piper is pretty much already established, but how about Ryland? I want to see him achieve his life's goal too. He got the girl. I wanna see him grab a brighter future.


I am rating this a 4 because it made my day. I love what happened and look forward to what will happen next. :)

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