Wednesday, April 2, 2014

❄Wednesday Rewind❄ LOST TO YOU by AL Jackson: A Midnight Fairy Book Review


People come into our lives. Some stay, and many go. Some build us up, while most tear us down. They become our friends, our enemies, our lovers, our tormentors. 

Christian Davison came into mine, and I knew I’d never be the same. 

To Elizabeth Ayers, New York City had always been a dream. She’s worked her entire young life to make it here.

Groomed to one day take over his father’s law firm, attending Columbia University was Christian Davison’s only option. 

Neither wanted anything more until they sat across from each other at a café table after being paired as study partners.

Christian wants her, but Elizabeth knows better than to give into their intense attraction. Yet there is little she can do to stay away. 

Lost to You, the prequel to the bestselling romance, Take This Regret. A New Adult novella, recommended for readers 17+. It’s unnecessary to have read Take This Regret to enjoy Lost to You.
Read on February 12, 2013
Review Originally Posted on February 13, 2013

I read Take This Regret last year and that was one of my favorite romance novels about "second chances". When I heard about Lost To You, I was really psyched because I really wanted to know how their relationship started. So, thank you Ms. Jackson for this wonderful prequel!

Elizabeth Ayers is an 18 year old freshman student of Columbia University. She was from San Diego and was raised by a single mother with her 2 sisters. She have always dreamed of moving to New York that's why she worked hard to be accepted in Columbia. Now that she's in New York, she have to maintain her grades to keep her scholarships. She signed up to find a study partner for her American Government class ---and that's how she met Christian.

Christian Davison's life was mapped out since he was a little boy. He went to Columbia because his father went there and he is expected to take over his dad's firm when the old man retires. When he met Elizabeth for the first time, he was immediately drawn to her. However, when she became his study partner and learned more about her, he knew that she's different. For him, Elizabeth is not just beautiful, she's also smart, kind and innocent. Christian new that he couldn't take advantage of her like he usually do with other woman he wanted. So, he settled for friendship instead.

The two became fast friends and they were inseparable. As they spend more time together, the attraction between them intesified. Will they give in to their feelings and risk their friendship? or will they continue denying the obvious and pretend that they can be just friends?
"He’d use me. Destroy me. Not because he wanted to, but just because that’s who he was."
I loved it! The writing, as usual, was brilliant. Though it was short, I really felt the character's emotions. Elizabeth and Christian's bittersweet love story took me in an emotional roller coaster ride. After reading Lost To You, I now have a better understanding of the main characters' struggles in Take This Regret. I think i'm going to re-read TTR soon... I can't get enough of their story!
“Don’t ever leave me, Christian.”

Christian frowned, his blue eyes sincere as he leaned forward to whisper at my forehead. “I couldn’t.”

I highly recommend this book for NA contemporary romance readers. If you haven't read any AL Jackson book yet, please pick this one OR Take This Regret! I promise, you will not be disappointed.

PS. I wish the couple in the cover have clothes on, LOL! The cover is giving people ideas that the book is an erotica, when in fact it isn't.

RATING: 4 Fairy Wings!

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