Friday, April 4, 2014



Paisley Bronson is a 27 year old successful advertising professional, but the most exciting part of her life happens outside of work. Claiming the life of a Tag Chaser toward the end of her college career has taught her one thing: Never get too close. She has enjoyed her dating lifestyle, but when her best friend makes a bet that she won’t ever be able to date a normal guy, her competitive nature takes control and she vows to change the game. 

When Paisley meets the incredibly handsome and practically perfect Corbin Ray, she begins to think keeping her word might be easier than she thought. But when an accidental discovery reveals that Corbin is in the Army, she knows she must run the other way and never look back. Although it kills her, she aims to move on and look for a new prospect.

There’s just one small problem.

Paisley’s been assigned a new client at work, and his name is Corbin Ray.

Will Paisley and Corbin give in to the chemistry between them, or will their past and present complications keep them apart? 

Fall in love with this fun and irresistibly naughty game of cat and mouse. 



“Tag Chaser is a heart-pounding and utterly captivating story of finding true love and fighting for it. One of my absolute favorite books.” – Kellee Fabre, beta reader 
“A fresh, laugh-out-loud storyline. I didn’t want it to end.” – Tisha Carter, beta reader
“Have you ever read a book that made you forget to eat or use the bathroom? Well, Tag Chaser is one of those books.” – MaRanda McCandless, Randa’s Reviews
“Tag Chaser is full of undeniable chemistry. Definitely a page-turner.” – Sasha Whittington, beta reader
“I’m a dude, and even I liked it. Tag Chaser is unexpectedly funny and romantic.” – Sean Brown, beta reader
“Fun, funny, and hot.” – Betsy Kash, editor

“I guess you’re right – Paisley, was it?”
God, he even makes my name sound like a sex object.
“Mmm hmm, and that’s something else you owe me. Shouldn’t I know the name of the brave knight in shining armor who saved me tonight?”
At this, his grin turns to a full blown smile and I fumble with my drink a bit. Holy shit, he has the most gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen. His teeth are blazing white like his shirt against his skin and his dimple deepens, “I think I’m more of a dark knight than a knight in shining armor.”
Holy. Fuck.
He smirks at what I can only imagine is my jaw flopping to the floor again. “Corbin,” he finally says, extending his hand for mine. “Corbin Ray.”
When he says his last name I notice the touch of twang in his voice. He’s Southern, too? Dear God, help me. He takes my hand in his and squeezes lightly, sending a quick thrill through me. I focus on keeping the drool inside my mouth and squeeze in return. “Nice to meet you, Corbin.”
“Likewise, doll.” His eyes glow fierce again and the music in Diggs is lost to me. All I can hear is the thumping in my chest increasing. I’m suddenly extremely warm, though I’m not sure if it’s him or the alcohol.

I flush and take another, longer sip from my glass. I look up at him, my guiltiness written all over my face, I’m sure. He laughs a little and shakes his head, “Relax, you don’t need to explain anything to me if you really don’t want to. I’m curious, but I’m just glad you met me for dinner tonight.” “I am, too.” I blurt out. Shit, Paisley, you’re supposed to not be interested. “It was delicious.” Corbin’s eyes are searching mine and I feel him leaning in closer to me. Shit, shit, shit. “But, uh, I have yoga really early tomorrow. So I should probably get going,” I fumble, setting my glass of wine down on the coffee table. I go to stand but Corbin’s hand reaches out for mine, stopping me in my tracks. “Wait, what about dessert?”

I turn to face him again and melt to the floor when I see the look in his eyes. They’re dark, daring. He’s daring me to stay. Daring me to take a chance.

He slides his other hand around my waist, leaning closer with every word, “You’ve got three options.” I know I should leave, should stand up right now and walk toward the door, but I’m frozen in place and captured by his eyes. “ I could whip up some delicious chocolate fondue with fresh cut strawberries,” he breathes, tickling my back a little with his fingertips. My breath is hitched in my throat and I can hear my heart beating in my ears, the rate rapidly increasing with every syllable that escapes his mouth. “We could make a trip to the store and pick up the perfect ingredients for you to show off your baking skills,” he pulls me a little closer and I have to turn away, the intensity in his eyes too much for me to handle. My legs start shaking a little and I try to steady them and focus on breathing. His body is so close to mine now, I can feel his chest against mine. “Or,” he pulls his hand from mine and touches the side of my face, running his fingers up through my hair, and begins planting soft kisses on my neck. “We could stay right here, and I could make you dessert, instead.” Holy. Fuck.


“You look like an angel,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me back down with him instead of standing up. He pulls me on top of him and presses his forehead to mine, staring deep into my eyes. Slowly, he runs his hands through my hair and pulls me closer, inch by inch, until our lips are touching again. I swear his kisses could kill me, could take all of my life and I would still want them.

“I’m no angel, just like you’re no knight in shining armor,” I say, thinking back to Thursday night when we first met. “Hmm, that may be. But I still think we could make a pretty good story together,” he smiles, kissing down my neck to my collarbone. “Oh, you think so?” I laugh, letting his kisses blaze a fire down my body.
“It’s worth a shot, right? Who knows, it could be a fairy tale,” he says as he stands up, pulling me with him.
“Or a train wreck.”


Kandi Steiner is a Creative Writing and Advertising/Public Relations graduate from the University of Central Florida living in Tampa with her husband. Kandi works full time as a social media specialist, but also works part time as a Zumba fitness instructor and blackjack dealer.
Kandi started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic (like most girls brought up on Disney movies).

When Kandi isn’t working or writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys beach days, movie marathons, live music, craft beer and sweet wine – not necessarily in that order.

 Connect with Kandi:

Q&A with Kandi

Who inspired you to start writing?
My mom, definitely. She's actually very into reading like I am and is a great writer herself. I hope to one day convince her to write a novel, too. She inspired me when I was very young and encouraged me to pursue my love of writing, no matter what. Everything I've written from awful love poems in high school (yuck!) to decent pieces in college, she has always been there for me.

Why romance?

Great question! I have no idea. I always pictured myself writing non-fiction or nothing at all, but one of my final capstone courses in college was an advanced fiction course that really turned me on to the possibilities of creating a story. Why romance specifically? Well, we could blame it on my husband for showing me love so early in life, but it's probably more Disney's fault than anyone else's. I'm a girl, I love to love, what could be better than romance writing?

How do you write your novels?

Sporadically and without any structure at all. Sometimes I'll be driving and I'll whip out my phone and record something to write down later. Sometimes I'll write a scene and sometimes I'll just write about my character to get to know them better. Eventually, I sit down and map everything out so that I don't forget anything (blonde moments are a habit for me) and then I slowly start piecing it all together. It makes sense to me, but if I told any of my professors this they might kill me lol.

When did you know you wanted to write a novel?

Honestly, it hit me out of the blue. I got the idea for Tag Chaser when I was in the shower and I just couldn't shake it. I was dreaming about the characters, writing random scenes in my head, and just thinking about them constantly. I decided it was a sign to stop being so scared of failure and just write it. The way I see it, the worst thing that could happen is no one likes it - and in that case it will still be loved by me and that's what matters.

Why should readers pick up Tag Chaser?

Tag Chaser is a unique story that I think hasn’t been told yet. Often times we fall in love with characters who are so perfect, either individually or for each other. Tag Chaser is about exploring our imperfections and learning not to fight that chemistry that sometimes we just feel, whether it’s easy or not. I think anyone who reads Tag Chaser will laugh and love, and those are both two very beautiful things.


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