Saturday, April 26, 2014

♠ REMINISCING SUNDAY - BIRTHMARKED by Caragh M. O'Brien (Birthmarked #1): A Warrior Fairy review

In the future, in a world baked dry by the harsh sun, there are those who live inside the walled Enclave and those, like sixteen-year-old Gaia Stone, who live outside. Following in her mother's footsteps Gaia has become a midwife, delivering babies in the world outside the wall and handing a quota over to be "advanced" into the privileged society of the Enclave. Gaia has always believed this is her duty, until the night her mother and father are arrested by the very people they so loyally serve. Now Gaia is forced to question everything she has been taught, but her choice is simple: enter the world of the Enclave to rescue her parents, or die trying.

Originally reviewed on  December 2011

Rating: 3 out of 5

I was quite interested in this book. First off, the cover is beautiful in that dark, haunting way. Secondly, the premise seemed promising and original. I wish I could have loved this.

One thing that turned me off was all the technical parts about the labor and delivery. I'm not queasy or anything, in fact, I'm involved in the medical field. I think that's the reason why though, because it seemed as if I was transported back to a lecture or whatever. I also had problems with the pacing, and I felt that the story revolved too much around Gaia and Leon. I would have wanted to read more about the society they lived in.

There were things I did like about this book. One was the characters. Each had their own story, and their purpose. Gaia really developed in the story. At first, she was merely ignorant and unwilling to believe anything else. She believed the Enclave was a place for the privileged but she learned that the place she once thought was a paradise was really a cruel society. Towards the end, she found answers and along with that, strength and love.

The world Caragh M. O'Brien builds is chilling, because logic and science are the roots of its change. This makes everything more believable and facts will sway people to those opinions here. Reading this, I did get reminded of Harry Potter, the fact that Grindelwald's campaign was all "for the greater good". The Enclave laws had a similar ring to that.

All in all, a good read.  



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