Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Title: The Will
Author: Kristen Ashley
Date PublishedApril 8, 2014
Genre: Romance
Reviewer: The Mauve Fairy & Rock Chick Fairy


Early in her life, Josephine Malone learned the hard way that there was only one person she could love and trust: her grandmother, Lydia Malone. Out of necessity, unconsciously and very successfully, Josephine donned a disguise to keep all others at bay. She led a globetrotting lifestyle on the fringes of the fashion and music elite, but she kept herself distant.

While Josephine was trotting the globe, retired boxer Jake Spear was living in the same small town as Lydia. There was nothing disguised about Jake. Including the fact he made a habit of making very bad decisions about who to give his love.

But for Josephine and Jake, there was one person who adored them. One person who knew how to lead them to happiness. And one person who was intent on doing it.

Even if she had to do it as her final wish on this earth


What did you think of the title at first?

Rock Chick Fairy

I thought it was very straight forward. The title of the series though, I didn't know that it was a town, so that was a surprise. :) 

Mauve Fairy

I think the title is very much fitting with the story. That’s how Jake and Josie’s love story started. I didn’t know that this is a series though. I thought this is a standalone. But after I read this, I’m glad that there are more books that will follow though I’m not sure whose story is next. I’m not yet ready to let go of this. I want to read more!

What about the cover?

Rock Chick Fairy

To be very honest, I thought the cover was boring. Sorry. :( 

Mauve Fairy

I love the color purple! I’m obsessed with it. So when I saw the cover, I thought that it’s beautiful. Though, I didn’t know that the lavender has a significant meaning in the story.

What is unique about the main characters in THE WILL?

Rock Chick Fairy

Josephine is so unique because she speaks like she's from another era. I can't say any more than that, but I believe that's enough. ;) 

Jake is also very unique because for one, he isn't the picture-perfect guy. Usually, in KA books, guys are already ready-made for the heroine. He's already hot, nice and rich (or getting there). However, this book shows Jake's struggle to get where he is. It's pretty refreshing. 

Mauve Fairy

Josie is exceptional because she’s so classy and yet a bad ass at the same time. She can kick ass but in a sophisticated way.  She had some misfortunes when she was young but was not tainted by it. She grew up to be the perfect lady, able to stand up for herself, made friends with some famous people and was able to experience the finer things in life because of her job. She still has some flaws but was able to cope and be done with her solitude in the end.

Jake is special because I think he’s a great father. He’s the perfect alpha male for me though what make him perfect are his imperfections. He’s not the usual hero that KA has in her previous books. Jake is confident and at the same time not so self-assured (well he does not want to meet Josie in the first place).

Kristen Ashley is known to have hot, alpha males for heroes. In line with this, just how hot is JAKE? Rate him! 10 being the highest.

Rock Chick Fairy

To me, he's a 9. Hot daddy-o! Truly trrruuullyy hoott!!!

Mauve Fairy

A perfect 10 for me. KA’s heroes are all hot! Jake is justly H-O-T! A hot fighter, hot boyfriend and hot dad!

Now that we have established that we love the hero, which part of this book made you love the heroine?

Rock Chick Fairy

At first, I was iffy about her character because she's so proper. I imagined her as a very proper woman whose body is like a model's and kinda has that uppity vibe that I hate on television. However, little by little, she opened up and I adore her. I can't explain it, but I really loved her when she gave that make up advice to Amber. She was very... diplomatic. It was so adorable and very admirable! She could be so serious and then I'd just laugh! haha!

Mauve Fairy

I fell in love with Josie because she’s so self assured, she can hold her own. She’s not afraid to impart what she thinks. She’s so fashionable. She claims not to have experience in dealing with kids and yet she was able to handle Jake’s children. She’s not the jealous type. Even at forty five, she’s attractive, proof that many men fall to her charm. She’s kind hearted though she distances herself to people. And what gets me is her use of words. Irksome, facilities and vex LMAO

Rock Chick Fairy

Oh! I also love that she doesn't get jealous! There's this one scene wherein Jake's ex talked to her and she was like "My God, you really are okay with me talking to Jake". It was awesome! 

Jake already has a family prior to having Josephine. Didn't you find this to be awkward, even a little?

Rock Chick Fairy

I will not be a hypocrite and say that I was totally down with that. I was thrown off the kilter by Josephine's and Jake's age plus him having a ready-made family. It gradually grew on me because seriously, the "children" are so nice and fun!  I can't imagine this story being without them.

Mauve Fairy

Not at all. I loved Jake’s children especially Ethan. That boy is seriously adorable!

Who's your favorite OTHER character?

Rock Chick Fairy

 Maaannn, I want a book for him! PLEASE MAKE A BOOK FOR HIM MISS ASHLEY PLEASE PLEASE PREEETTYY PLEASE!!!! haha oh my, based on this book, Con is a hot stud! Albeit, young... but still.. HOT! His love life is also soooo very interesting. Gosh, I kinda felt as if I was following two main heroes. Con and his dad! 

Mauve Fairy

I will have to say Ethan. That boy is just begging to be loved by a mother. When he threw himself at Josie the first time they met, I knew then that he gives his love freely. He is so lovable and endearing. And though he grew up not having a mother around, he’s respectful and helpful and just plain delightful.

I love Conner too. Really intrigued on his lovelife and if he’s still a virgin hahaha

Who's your MOST HATED other character?

Rock Chick Fairy

B***h! I swear I was having Nan flashbacks! (from Abbi Glines' books). Her character is a very effective 

Mauve Fairy

I guess its Terry. That woman just pisses me big time!

Who wants a grandma like Josie's?

Rock Chick Fairy

OF COURSE, ME!!!! Who wouldn't want a grandma who prepares everything for you, including your MAN-TO-BE??

Mauve Fairy

I think everyone would want a grandmother like Lydie. She’s the best grandmother!

Rock Chick Fairy

You got that right!

How was the plot for you? Was it too much or was it just right?

Rock Chick Fairy

A lot of my friends say that KA's stories are intense and a bit over the top. I never saw them that way. The plot here is just right for me, as in all books that I love from KA. A grandmother wishing everything for her grand daughter and doing everything in her power to make that happen? Now what's over the top in that? If any, it's just darn sweet. :)

Mauve Fairy

As always KA’s storyline is perfect. She can weave such an amazing story. She can make her readers fall in love with her characters and hate the villains. I even felt sad for Henry and that goodbye scene made me cry.

Rock Chick Fairy

You know, I felt really bad for Henry too. Unrequited love it just.... sad. :( But then, when I think of the time he spent having Josie with him and not doing anything direct about it... I'd say it's his fault for not doing a concrete thing to make himself understood by Josie. Partially, it's still his fault. This is a case of "may-the-fastest-man-win". ;p

How did Jake and Joesphine's love story make you feel?

Rock Chick Fairy

It made me feel like I didn't want to work anymore that day. I wanted to laze around, re-read the book and laze around some more! IT'S THAT GOOD. Honestly, I always feel this way when I read KA's works. I am personally making a spell for this feeling to stay. 

Mauve Fairy

Jake and Josie’s love story is so profound that you would wish something similar will or is happening to you. Who knows that after so many years, Jake will have the girl he’s longing for? Of course with some intervention from Lydie. But then Josie resisted at first, and it’s Jake who worked hard so Josie would take notice of him.

Did Josephine teach you anything in this book?

Rock Chick Fairy

Yes. She taught me that CLASSY IS SEXY. Thanks hon! :)

Mauve Fairy

This is such a cliché but as the saying goes, you reap what you sow. At first, Josie is a closed off individual. But the death of her grandmother forced her to open up because she does not want to disappoint Lydie. So when she was done shutting herself, she began letting people in. Josie is generous of her time and love. She helps those who are in need. She imparts wisdom and listens to woes of her friends. What she gave, she gained back. Love found her and made her happy. She became whole. She lost a family but got a lot more than she expected, a son and a husband.

Rock Chick Fairy

Amen to that Mauve!

How was the ending?

Rock Chick Fairy

A very fitting ending for the awesome family! I RECOMMEND THAT YOU BRACE YOURSELVES FOR THE SWEETNESS. :)

Mauve Fairy

The epilogue is monumental since it’s the part that I cried the hardest. It’s just a sweet gesture from all of them and it made my heart ached. So sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.




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Kristen Ashley was born in Gary, Indiana, USA. She nearly killed her mother and herself making it into the world, seeing as she had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck (already attempting to accessorise and she hadn't taken her first breath!). 

Kristen grew up in Brownsburg, Indiana but has lived in Denver, Colorado and the West Country of England. Thus she has been blessed to have friends and family around the globe. Her posse is loopy (to say the least) but loopy is good when you want to write.

Kristen was raised in a house with a large and multi-generational family. They lived on a very small farm in a small town in the heartland and existed amongst the strains of Glenn Miller, The Everly Brothers, REO Speedwagon and Whitesnake (and the wardrobes that matched).

Needless to say, growing up in a house full of music, clothes and love was a good way to grow up. 

And as she keeps growing up, it keeps getting better.


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