Sunday, April 6, 2014

❄❄❄ CONVO REVIEW: BAD FOR YOU (Sea Breeze #7) by ABBI GLINES ❄❄❄


Title: Bad for You
Author: Abbi Glines
Date Published: April 1, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Romance
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Reviewer: The Mauve Fairy & Rock Chic Fairy

Innocence was never meant for the addictive… 

Addiction was something Krit Corbin accepted as part of his nature a long time ago. He decided to embrace it and flip his finger at the rules. Women had always been the number one thing on his list of addictions. He couldn’t get enough. Being the lead singer in a rock band had only made access to his favorite addiction that much easier.

Being alone was the only thing Blythe Denton understood. The small town minister’s family that raised her hadn’t accepted her as their own. The minister’s wife had always made sure Blythe understood just how unworthy she was of love. When Blythe is sent away to college and given a chance to finally be free of living as an unwanted burden, she looks forward to having peace in her life. Being alone isn’t something that bothers her. She escapes reality in the stories she writes.

However, the ridiculously sexy tattooed guy who keeps throwing parties in the apartment above hers is driving her crazy. For starters, he doesn’t treat her like she would expect a guy with a different woman always hanging on his arm to treat someone as uninteresting as her. She looks nothing like the gorgeous women she sees parading in and out of his apartment, but for some strange reason he keeps showing up at her door.

During a party at his apartment, Krit’s new neighbor comes to the door with her long brown hair pulled up in a messy knot and a pair of glasses perched on her cute little nose. She wants him to turn down the music, but he convinces her to stay.

Krit Corbin may have just found his biggest addiction yet. And Blythe Denton realizes too late that she’s finally been claimed.


What was your first impression of the cover?

I thought the cover was to die for! I mean I THINK it's to really die for! I have always been a fan of Abbi Glines' covers, but so far, this is the best for me. I just wish the camera was turned more upwards so that I would see the face of the guy. Oh well.

Mauve F
The first thing that I noticed is the tats and the male cover model’s abs! ahahaha well, I have eyes you know. And those were the first things that my eyes zeroed in.

Krit has been on many books in this series. What were your expectations for his book?

I expected him to be the man-whorish, swear-all-the-time, always hot, always on the edge and always intense type of guy. I expected him to change and I expected him to fall head over heels for his heroine.

Mauve F
In the previous books, Krit was portrayed as the womanizer type being the rocker that he is and he’s always surrounded by band groupies. Then he had a longer exposure on Misbehaving being Jess’ ex. He was an asshole back then. So when Abbi announced that Krit is going to have his own book, I was thinking that this book will be another I’m-a-god-rocker-I-can-have-all-the-women-I-could-have book. And what “magic” will Abbi concoct to make Krit lovable and endearing to the readers.

Did the book meet all of your expectations? 

Absolutely. It met my expectations, and then some. I totally got the Krit that I was waiting for, but he was more than what he showed in the past books. Oh and he changed alright. He did not just fall.. HE STUMBLED OVER AND OVER UNTIL HIS HEAD AND HEART HURT SO MUCH. I can't explain a lot without giving out spoilers. >.<

Mauve F
I was actually a little bit surprised, but in a good way. I didn’t expect that Krit has a softer side, that he could treat a girl as a friend and fall in love with her and not as a conquest or someone who could appease his current itch.

 I was surprised too that he can be like BFFs with a girl! It was so endearing!!

Mauve F
Ikr? He totally went up a notch in my book because of that.

What are your thoughts on the characters?


Krit is like the rock star version of Travis Maddox. I mean that. I know it's not good to compare characters to other authors' characters, but I am telling you this because it is something POSITIVE. They are both passionate and were too much of a man whore. LOL. Anyway, Krit makes it look as if he's got it easy when in reality, he struggles everyday. He thinks that he's unworthy of many things. Well guess what, he's about to be proven wrong! He's a good person, with a sweet and sensitive side. It's swoon worthy!

On the other hand, Bltyhe is a very sweet girl. I like just how innocent she is. She looks at the world with wonder and TOO MUCH CARE. It's just fitting that she's partnered with Krit. She had a very bad past that made her feel as if she's also unworthy of anybody. I love her character's spirit because no matter what was thrown at her, she still stood strong and never gave up. She also did not become bitter. She just... went through with life.

These two characters were meant to be. I tell ya!

Mauve F
Blythe is a breath of fresh air for me. I like unpretentious good girls. And she’s not the pretend type. She’s just the way that she is because of how she was brought up. She was very much protected and sheltered from the outside world that she is so modest and humble. She was like a flower ready to blossom and conquer the world. With the way she was brought up, I’m glad that she’s not bitter and damaged by it. And I like that she’s not annoying and needy and whiny. She just moves on with her life and for that I say that she is a strong woman.

Krit is the rocker god, confident in his own skin. Being the lead singer of a band makes him the center of attention. Who would have thought that he has a sweet side? I really didn’t expect to fall in love with him.

What can you say about the plot?

To be honest, I think the plot is very straight forward. It's not something that you'd have to chew your nails for to figure out. I even managed to figure out the twist from the start. Maybe because the plot was not so deep, I was able to focus my attention on the characters and what they'd do or feel next?

Mauve F
The plot is upfront, honest and real. I’m pleased that Abbi did not embellish the story with unnecessary drama. There are just too many books that are written that way that they seriously suffocate me.

What's your favorite scene in this book?

This might sound awfully weird, but I like the break-up scene. I am weird, am I not? I just thought it was so heartbreaking to see Krit begging. It was so emotional and I loved him more for that scene and the scenes after that. I just wanted to hug him!

Mauve F
My favorite scenes are those moments Krit and Bythe spend together like their dinners and those times she spent watching him singing at the bar.

What's your least favorite scene?


Mauve F
I hate all those moments when Blythe was in doubt of herself and thinks that she’s not good enough.

Who's your least favorite character?

Surprisingly, I hate Britt more than I hate the foster mom. I think she got off the hook way to easy. Who wants to grab her in the alley and cut all of her hair?!! LET'S GO! War freak much? Haha, but maaann.. she deserves it! Wouldn't you agree?

Mauve F
Britt!! Nuff said! She’s second to Nan!

Oh! To me, it's a tie between Angelina and Britt as the second she-villains of Abbi Glines. NAN WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS BE THE #1. 

Mauve F
I hear yah sis!

What did you learn from this story?

There are lots of things that you can pick up here. I think not being judgmental is one of them. Every person has a story, never doubt that.

Mauve F
I learned not to judge the book by it’s cover. It’s much better to read what’s inside and discover for yourself the real person. In this case, I already labeled Krit as that manwhore who is up to no good. There is actually depth in him and he’s actually capable of loving someone other than himself.

But still, the cover is so hot... you can judge the book a little by it, maybe. Haha! ;D

Mauve F
LMAO I didn't mean it literally!


I'm giving this five fairy wings because the characters mesh well together and because I was soooo entertained that I finished the book in under 2 hours.

Mauve F
5 Fairy Wings! I truly enjoyed reading the book. I love all Abbi’s books and her heroes are to die for!

Further wishes:

I wish the book was longer. I wish for more Krit POVs and I wish for more details. ^_____^

Mauve F
I wish the book is longer and has more steamy scenes. I know Krit will be able to pull it off. He is, after all, a rocker so that alone makes him hot!


5 Fairy Wings

✓ Can be read as a standalone. 
✓ You don't have to read any other Sea Breeze book first 
✓ And it has NO cliffhanger. 

US Amazon │ iBooks │ B&N 

UK Amazon │ 


BAD FOR YOU has two songs in it.

Reading Order and Purchase Links

Sea Breeze Series
#1 Breathe (the only YA book in this series) 

#2 Because of Low 

#3 While It Lasts 

#4 Just For Now Amazon 

#5 Sometimes It Lasts Amazon 

#6 Misbehaving Amazon

#7 Bad For You Amazon

#8 Hold On Tight Pre-order at Amazon 



Since publishing her first novel Breathe in May of 2011, Abbi has also released The New York Times bestselling Seabreeze Series which includes Breathe, Because of Low, While It Lasts, Just For Now and Sometimes It Last, The Existence Trilogy that includes the USA Today Bestseller Ceaseless. New York Times and USA TODAY bestsellers The Vincent Boys and The Vincent Brothers. Last but not least her most popular series to date, Rosemary Beach which includes The New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers Fallen Too Far, Never Too Far, Forever Too Far, Twisted Perfection and Simple Perfection. Her newest book scheduled to be released on December 17th, 2013 is Misbehaving (Seabreeze).

When Abbi isn’t locked away in her office typing away she is hauling her kids to and from their many social activities. You could say her second job is the Glines Kids personal chauffeur. It’s a rather illustrious job.


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