Sunday, March 16, 2014

❤ VERY FAIRY LATE READS - GIRL WITH GUITAR by Caisey Quinn: A Rock Chick book review

Hi y'all! Rock Chick Fairy here! I have a new segment for us! VERY FAIRY LATE READS. Books that will be posted in this segment are books that range from "past-few-months-late to a "year/years-late".

Here's the first one on my list... GIRL WITH GUITAR. This book was published last May of 2013. 


"New Adult. MA 17+ Content. After Kylie’s dad dies in a freak accident, he leaves her with nothing other than her crazy step-mother, Darla, and the ability to play guitar. When Darla kicks Kylie out and she loses her job all in the same day, she hops a bus to Nashville determined to make her late father’s dreams come true. Waitressing and saving her pennies to record a demo, her big break comes when she’s asked to join a tour going down the tubes with once platinum album-selling country music superstar Trace Corbin. But touring with Trace is hardly a dream come true since he’s pretty much drinking his career down the drain. If Kylie can’t pull Trace out of his rut, he’ll pull her and her dreams down with him."

This is a surprisingly great read. The title was pretty straight forward as well as the cover. However, the story is deeper. 

Kylie is an aspiring artist. She sings with her guitar and makes her own songs. She's headstrong, very independent because of her circumstance and she's got a lot of potential. She decided to leave her old life and find a new one some place else. Her past wasn't good, so understandably, she left just like that. Luckily, fate brought her in a place wherein she'd be able to get a head start on her dream. However, there's one big, hot problem standing in her way... TRACE CORBIN. She gets stuck on a bus with him and finds out all about his... life. She can't stand him, but she's also attracted to him. The moment they get together, all morals go out the window. 

I admit, I hated Trace for half of the book ( I think). He was such an ass. He's a great artist, but an awful guy. He thinks the world revolves around him and he was no gentleman at first, but as with almost all books like this... he gradually changed and eventually achieved the level of a good hero. Turns out he has an unfortunate past too, that's why he was acting like such an ass. I gave him some slack and moved on because he was being nice.. Well, until THAT incident happened near the end. I almost threw my Nook! He was... -_- ... UGH. It was explained though, why he was being like that. I am yet to understand that part of him. I hope that he'll be better in the next book. He's already doing better at the end of this book, but I need more from him. 

This is a good start for a series. It's Cinderella-ish (with the evil step mom) and it's also "you&me against the world-ish. I am looking forward to Kylie's journey to stardom and Trace's journey to rehabilitating his whole life. I wish there are more hot scenes though! haha! *superblush*

Off to read the next book! 

4 fairy wings


  1. Thank you so much for the kind review! I'm very excited to see how you you feel about the next two books! (Excited and nervous!) *bites nails*

  2. Awwww.. Don't worry! I think Kylie and Trace will just be fine... and as for me, just please give me more hot scenes please please. Kidding! (A little haha!)

    Thank you for writing such a nice book. ♥ ~ TheRockChickF
