Monday, March 10, 2014

TUESDAY TRACKBACK - READY PLAYER ONE by Ernest Cline: A Rock Chick Fairy book review

Who loves MMORPGs?


Who likes action, fun and adventure?


If you like those things too... YOU BETTER READ THIS! 

I just can’t get over this book.

I personally loved this book and really paid attention to it because I am somewhat close to being geek.

Although I don’t have agoraphobia and I’m not really addicted to anything specific (books maybe? ha!), I feel like I’m a REAL geek now because I knew almost all the details mentioned here about Japanese characters, anime, robots, computer games etc. Those that I didn't know, I even searched for online. That’s how hooked I was while reading this. The book is so imaginative. I feel like my mind is full of descriptions. This book has lots and lots of action, thrill, fantasy, sci-fi stuff and a grand tour back to the 80′s.

I am totally smitten by Ready Player One.

Wade is a fun character to follow. He’s funny as hell, he’s determined and he’s ultra smart. I love how he thinks and how he handles situations that are new, weird and uncomfortable. Even though he lierally lives online, he still manages to amaze me with how he handles human relationship.

The idea of living inside a game got me reeling. I have been a player of some MMORPGs (MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAMES). I met lots of people, interacted with them and yes, I even made friends. This novel however, took the idea of MMORPG in such higher level that I was just sucked into their world. I can definitely imagine an OASIS (the game) emerging in our world at about hmm… 50 years later or less? It sounds ambitious, but it is POSSIBLE.

I definitely learned something here. After reading, I accepted that lots of people are like Wade… people who don’t really go out. There are really extreme introverts who are more comfortable with being alone and hide who they are since they can change personalities online. I’m not a fan of that, but hey, that’s their choice and nobody has the right to pass judgement.

I also understood that although it’s definitely fun to pretend to be someone else, the happiness doesn’t last which is why I love what Halliday told Wade:

“As terrifying and painful as reality can be, it’s also the only place where you can find true happiness. Because reality is real.”

The author must have some kind of precognition that he was able to see some things that are about to happen in the far off future.

I had a blast reading while listening to the audiobook. I was almost sad when it was finished.

I’m looking forward to more books like this.

All in all, this book is awesome! You have got to read it!

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