Thursday, March 13, 2014

✼THURSDAY THROWBACK✼ RED COLLAR by Clarissa Cartharn: A Fire Fairy Book Review

Date Published: November 19, 2013
Date Read: November 6, 2013
Date Reviewed: November 6, 2013
Posted on Goodreads and Amazon

Kate Ripley is struggling to provide for her four siblings and her ill-mother. So when she loses her job to an unpredictable redundancy, she resorts to the unthinkable. She accepts the offer of secretary-cum-mistress to billionaire Clayton Reid. But can she survive this new role without sacrificing her dignity¿ and falling in love. ??Tired of secretaries taking advantage of their proximity to win his heart, wealthy bachelor Clayton devises the ultimate solution- hire the secretary who can also perform dual duties as mistress. And Clayton thinks he's found the perfect woman in escort Kate Ripley. Until he discovers the one flaw in his perfect plan- he can never let her go. Can he afford to fight against his principles and risk all he's worked for to keep her?

I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. The blurb was interesting so I was kind of itching to read this ASAP.

This was really an enjoyable story to read. If you're looking for a romantic story that you can easily finish in one sitting, then this book is for you. The story got me hooked from the first page until the end. It's been a long time since I last read something like this and I'm so happy that I get to read this.

The story has the usual rich guy/poor girl elements that readers love. I enjoyed how the H/h's dialogues quickly change from love to hate and vice versa. It was very entertaining and fun to read, although in some parts i can't help but feel frustrated. Some of their conflicts could have been easily solved with proper communication and less pride. But then again if that happened we won't have this story now, would we?

The characters were all well written. I love Kate's character. She's a strong woman who has a big heart and a very compassionate nature. And she can hold her own against Clayton. Clayton, on the other hand, is your typical millionaire/businessman here. Cold outside but passionate inside. I love how he tried to win Kate over even when he thought that Kate was really a hooker. I loved every minor character in the book, but most especially Lorenzo. He was such a nice and interesting guy and I think he should have a story of his own. I wish the author can write a spin-off on Lorenzo and Libby. I'm really curious about how they came to terms on how they feel about each other. It wasn't explained in the story.

My Rating: 4 Fairy Wings

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