Saturday, March 1, 2014

REMINISCING SUNDAY - ANEW (The Archers of Avalon #1) by Chelsea Fine: A Rock Chick Fairy backtrack review

Hey y'all! Happy Sunday! Rock Chick Fairy here! I am so excited for this post because this is about one of the authors that has been close to my heart since I first started getting hooked on YA (yes, I read almost all genres). I am also excited because this is my first time to host REMINISCING SUNDAY! ^________^

My very first Reminiscing Sunday post is about Ms. Chelsea Fine's paranormal YA book.

First off, what you're about to read below was my review back in 2012 for this book. If I sound weird and "gushy", forgive me. I just couldn't help it back then. ;p 

Ladies and gentlemen... I give you (and I hope you remember ^____^ )... 


This is a good start of a series. I find it very intriguing and heart wrenching at the same time.

I loved Ms. Fine's "Sophie and Carter". I didn't know what to think of this one, but I said... what the hell, why not give it a shot? And I was right to do so! 

This series is certainly a big jump from Sophie and Carter. Not only does it belong to different genres, to me, the story line is also refreshing. I haven't come across another novel with an amnesiac girl and immortal boys (well, none that I can remember). 

The plot is just so unique that I had a hard time wrapping my head around it. The characters sure are resilient, especially Scarlet. Imagine not being able to remember things and then going through it again and again. I also feel a lot for Tristan. Hmmm, yeah maybe I belong to team Tristan. I am heartbroken by the circumstance that they are in. It's just sad how their lives are tangled. 

Even with all the complications, I am so happy because gosh, the book made me feel all fluttery inside and made me anticipate the development of their relationship. It's good that I felt  a lot of emotions here because otherwise, I would've been so depressed about their situation.

Anew left a lot of things unanswered 

✲ Why was Scarlet experiencing an elongated form of amnesia? 

✲ Why hasn't Laura been introduced to any of the siblings? 

✲ What really went on with Scarlet and Tristan? 

✲ Is Scarlet and Gabriel really meant to be with each other or is it just like that because of the curse? 

✲ Where's the frikkin fountain?

I trust that the author will be able to enlighten me on the next book.

I'm excited because this is a promising series. Unique, lovable, somehow heartbreaking... but more importantly, IT'S INTERESTING! So looking forward to this! :) 

This is a 5!!!

P.S. This series is finished. There are three books and I can tell you now that it ended in the most FANTASTIC WAY POSSIBLE.

For those of you who haven't read it yet, here are some useful links:

To buy it from Amazon:
ANEW - Amazon
To buy it from Barnes and Noble:
ANEW - Barnes and Noble
To read the synopsis on Goodreads:
ANEW - Goodreads

Oops! We are not done yet! This is actually the reason why I decided to post my past review for Ms. FIne. SHE HAS A NEW BOOK COMING OUT ON MARCH 4, 2014!! Yes, it's super near so make sure that y'all are ready! The title is BEST KIND OF BROKEN. This is a new adult book, so I'm sure it will be something different again. I suggest that you read her past books now until the debut of this one! ^__^ 

Ahem, lemme just say... HOT COVER!!! 

Here's the link for the synopsis on Goodreads:

Here's the link to preorder! ^_^ 

Barnes and Noble: 

That's it folks! Watch out for this book and we're all set!
This is me signing out for now! :)


  1. Oh, wow! Whoo-hoo! Thank you for featuring my books today! You are AWESOME. :)

  2. Awww! You're welcome! I'm just too excited about your next book! Good luck and I know it'll rock because YOU ARE MORE AWESOME.♥ ~ TheRockChickF
