Sunday, March 30, 2014


CONVO REVIEW: Twisted by Emma Chase

Title: Twisted
Author: Emma Chase
Date Published: March 25, 2014
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Gallery Books
Rating: 4.5 Fairy Wings
Reviewer: Mauve Fairy & Midnight Fairy

There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who look first, and the ones who leap. I’ve always been more of a looker. Cautious. A planner. That changed after I met Drew Evans. He was so persistent. So sure of himself – and of me.

But not all love stories end happily ever after. Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset? Join the club. Now I have to make a choice, the most important of my life. Drew already made his –in fact, he tried to decide for the both of us. But you know that’s just not my style. So I came back to Greenville. Alone. Well, sort of alone....

What I've come to realize is that old habits die hard and sometimes you have to go back to where you began, before you can move ahead.

Convo Review

What made you decide to read this book?
Mauve Fairy
Well, I read the first book Tangled and i enjoyed it so much. It's actually one of my top reads last year. And Twisted is one of my most awaited books of 2014.

Midnight Fairy 
Like the Mauve Fairy, I loved and enjoyed Tangled that's why I've been wanting to read this book as soon as I heard that there's a book 2. 
What do you think of the cover?
Mauve Fairy
I think the cover is ok but now that I thought of it, the model should be a girl since the book is in Kate’s POV.

Midnight Fairy
Yummy! LOL
What did you think of the title?
Mauve Fairy
Umm I don't think much of the title of a book. After I read it though I understood what it stands for. It speaks of the ordeal Kate went through, her suffering and weak moments during those difficulties.

Midnight Fairy
Yeah, me too. I really didn't care much about the title, but after reading the book, the title actually made sense to me. It really fits the story.
Was the content of the book the same with what you imagined?
Mauve Fairy
A big no! Tangled is such a phenomenal hit. I think what made that book very popular is the humor behind Drew's POV. He is so funny and hilarious, there is laughter practically in every page. Twisted has it's funny moments too but not as hilarious as Tangled. Since it's written in Kate's POV, the feel is more on the emotional side and the inner workings of a girl's mind.

Midnight Fairy
No. I didn't expect the book to be as hilarious as Tangled because I knew that it will be written in Kate's POV but, I wasn't expecting that it would be this serious either. Still, it was an entertaining read.
Were you disappointed that it's not what you expected?
Mauve Fairy
Not really. At first I was looking for those hilarious moments so present in book 1. But as the story progressed, i understood why it's written that way. I still enjoyed reading the book, hence, my 5 fairy wings!

Midnight Fairy
I didn't have any problems with the writing style and the change of POV (which of course is not as hilarious as Drew's, but, I was a little disappointed specially with how the characters reacted towards the main problem. You would think that after two years Drew and Kate should have no trust issues, but nope. Other than that, I think the book was well written.
What made the book complicated?
Mauve Fairy
Miscommunication is what made the book complicated. It can be a real bitch you know. And it's totally real. In real life, we often assume things that can go the wrong way. It's exceptionally verbalized in this novel. 

Midnight Fairy
Aside from miscommunication, I think the lack of trust is the root of their fall out in this story. If Kate trusted Drew to accept her condition then she wouldn't have lied to Drew. If Drew trusted Kate, he wouldn't have stalked him and misinterpreted what he witnessed.
How was the writing style?
Mauve Fairy
I think the writing style is perfect. It’s like the first book. It’s like the storyteller is just on a natural conversation with a friend drinking lattes in a café. Then there is the “advise” or “realization” part wherein the narrator tells something of what she thinks or knows. It’s like a breath of fresh air to read this kind of writing since most of the novels are somewhat all similar on how they were told.

Midnight Fairy
It's brilliant as always. I think it has more depth than the first book. If Tangled was hilarious, Twisted is still funny yet emotional.
Did you spot any grammatical or spelling errors?
Mauve Fairy
Even if I did, I don’t think they registered that much in my mind. I can’t remember if I spotted any errors.

Midnight Fairy
I'm not a grammar police, LOL. Nope, I didn't notice any grammar issues or spelling errors.
What can you say about the story, plot or storyline?
Mauve Fairy
For me the story is amazing. It tells us that not all love is a bed of roses. Relationships are hard and a work-in-progress. Open communication and trust is a must or else will fail. The couple involve can go through some rough times and it’s really not how you brave the storm but how you danced in the rain. Sorry for the cliché

The plot is okay for me. Since they are already in a relationship, I can understand that the author needed to create drama so the story can continue. And Emma chose two pivotal elements in a relationship that’s totally happening and real in the actual world: trust and communication.

Midnight Fairy
I liked the fact that we get to see the serious side of their love story. I find it interesting that we saw the crazy side of Kate, we also learned how really close she was to her mom and best friends. However, regarding the Drew-Kate fall-out, that kinda annoyed me. I find their problem simple, but it was blown out of proportion because they just jumped into conclusions. Anyway, I loved the epilogue and I'm really looking forward to read the next book in the series.
What can you say about Kate?
Mauve Fairy
I love Kate in the first book. To me she’s one bad-ass female who can kick an ass. She’s competitive and intelligent. She’s confident and she can be one determined woman. She’s result-oriented and self-driven. In Twisted, she was painted as not that perfect. She was human after all and can make mistakes. She was even put in weak moments. She’s portrayed as a typical woman, one that is emotional and undecided sometimes.

Midnight Fairy
I really liked Kate, I think she's perfect for Drew. She's the yin to his yang, they balance each other. In Tangled, we knew Kate as this high-powered woman who brought Drew to his knees, in Twisted, we saw the other side of Kate- the best friend, the daughter, the waitress, etc.
Thoughts about Drew...
Mauve Fairy
Drew is the same cocky but funny, panty-dropping, possessive and hotter than hot boyfriend. I love his POV so much and I’m glad that the epilogue was in his voice. I also love that he was the first one to reach out to Kate so they can settle their differences. And the way he reached out to her mother was adorable. It just shows that he really love Kate and that he would do anything to show love to those that she loves.

There is one tiny disparity though. Drew was described as a connoisseur of women. It was evident by the numerous things he said about women in the first book. In the epilogue, he was smacked several times for saying that Kate is “getting bigger” or something like that. He even admitted in a scene that he knows a lot of things about pregnant women because Alexandra had her first child. So that’s one small inconsistency the author might have overlooked.

Midnight Fairy
He's still as funny as ever, he just disappointed me when he stalked Kate to her doctor's appointment and immediately jump into a conclusion. But, he was able to redeem himself towards the last part of the book.
Who was your favorite secondary character, and why? 
Mauve Fairy
Mackenzie. That child is so adorable! I really love her in the first book.

Midnight Fairy
Dee-dee! That girl is crazy, haha. I would love to have a friend like her.
What did you enjoy in this book?
Mauve Fairy
I enjoyed reading the book as a whole. There is no particular scene that can be classified as a favorite. I love that the secondary characters in book 1 are visible all throughout the sequel. I just wish that Mackenzie has more scenes because I love that child so much. Oh I love the epilogue and I’ve already told why.

Midnight Fairy
I had fun reading this book, and enjoyed it as a whole. Despite some moments that annoyed me, I think there's more character growth here than in Tangled and I liked that.
What was your least favorite scene?
Mauve Fairy
The scene where Kate came home after her ob-gyne appointment. That scene is brutal! I hated that Drew wanted to retaliate to Kate that way. He must have known that would break Kate and since he was hurting so much, he wanted to hurt her too.

Midnight Fairy
Ditto. I hated that part, I felt really bad for Kate.
Did you find the ending satisfying?
Mauve Fairy
Hmmm yeah. Kate and Drew’s differences were resolved so there’s a HEA.

Midnight Fairy
Yeah! I'm glad they got their happy ending.
Would you recommend this book to other readers?
Mauve Fairy
Definitely going to recommend this to others.

Midnight Fairy
Sure, specially to the fans of the series. Don't let the change of POV hold you back from reading this book. =)
What is you're favorite quote from the story?
Mauve Fairy
This quote absolutely sums up everything about this book. “We’re just gonna keep getting better.”

Midnight Fairy
"You have to fall down, scrape your palms and knees, before you know you have the ability to pick yourself back up."
What insight/s did you gain from reading this book?
Mauve Fairy
That open communication and trust are a must in a relationship. This can be hard though but if these two are not present then I don’t think any relationship can go flourish.

Midnight Fairy
That there are no such thing as perfect relationships, it takes a lot of effort from both parties to make a relationship work. It's important for both to be able to communicate their feelings openly and trust each other so that they wont end up hurt and distraught.
Your rating and why?
Mauve Fairy
5 Fairy Wings. I love the story. I love both Drew and Kate. They are one of my top favorite couples. The story is totally relevant and real. And I got my HEA

Midnight Fairy
4 Fairy Wings. I enjoyed Kate and Drew's story, I'm glad they found each other and got their happy ever after.
Any last words or anything you want say that was not asked?
Mauve Fairy
Life is a box of chocolates. You don’t know what you gonna get or have next time. Or something like that J Cryptic? Maybe.

Midnight Fairy
I can't wait to read Dee-dee's story! hahaha

Overall Rating: 4.5 Fairy Wings!

Series Reading Order
Tangled #1 Amazon
Holy Frigging Matrimony #1.5 Amazon

About the author
By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine. 

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true

Connect with the Emma


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