Thursday, March 20, 2014

☆☆☆ AUTHOR OF THE WEEK: Colleen Hoover ☆☆☆

Colleen Hoover

Because she just released a book, I want to feature this talented lady as Author of the Week.

Ever since I read Hopeless (I think this is the first Colleen book I've read), I've put her in a pedestal. If I'm able to build a monument for her, I would. To me she can do no wrong. She may be writing the phonebook and i will still read it. She's one of those authors that i dont need a blurb or teasers and excerpts... I will drop anything and read her books. She's one of the people who are on top of my list. I am in awe how her brain works. How she can weave a tangled web of stories resulting into one epic novel ever been told. Her novels leave you with a heart full of touching moments you would wish you're part of the book. She's THAT butterflying awesome and I love her. You can imagine my euphoria when she approved my friend request in Facebook. I was literally jumping up and down, clapping my hands like a child out of pure glee.

If I continue describing her awesomeness, I will run out of adjectives. And I think Webster should come up and publish superlative words other than amazing, great, wonderful, and epic to name a few.

If I can borrow Alladin's lamp, one of my top three wishes to Genie would be for her to come to the Philippines for a book signing. If I'm a real fairy, I will magically transport her to Manila so she can meet her numerous fans. That would be one of the most epic events in my history book of epicness.

So without much further ado, I present to you Ms. Colleen Hoover

*The following information is from her Goodreads profile:

☆ Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Humor

☆ Influences: The Avett Brothers. Obviously. And people who follow their dreams, whether they find them or not.

☆ What she says about herself:

I love music. LOVE music. Namely The Avett Brothers, Lumineers, Pink, Eminem. I have eclectic taste? If you have any recommendations, send them my way!

I'm addicted to diet pepsi and could tell you in a taste-test which restaurant it came from. It's a serious addiction, I tell you.

I get stoked whenever I get a message from goodreads saying I have a new friend request me, dangit!

If you want to know when I have new books out or just want to be inundated by random, pointless blog posts, follow me at

Avoid my Twitter at all cost. It's propaganda.

*And this one is from the back end of her books:

Colleen Hoover is the number 1 New York Times best-selling author of Slammed, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, This Girl, Losing Hope, and Finding Cinderella.

Colleen lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys.

☆ Connect with Colleen:
Twitter: @colleenhoover
Facebook Page:

☆ Also by Colleen Hoover:

Point of Retreat
This Girl
Losing Hope
Finding Cinderella
Ugly Love (coming soon)
November Nine (coming soon)

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