Thursday, February 27, 2014

ღ SECRETS IN BLOOD (In Blood #1) by Patricia D. Eddy: A Fire Fairy book review

Vampires have been living in the open for centuries, but the laws prohibit them feeding directly from humans. A group of young American vampires wants those laws changed and will do anything to accomplish their goal. An extremist religious group, believing vampires to be an abomination against God, works to develop a serum that will stay the vampires’ quick healing, effectively turning them mortal.While visiting America, Italian vampire Nicola Angliatti tries to rescue a lost little girl, only to discover she is being used as bait. Captured by the extremists, restrained in silver, his body is used to develop the serum. Years later, near death, he’s discovered by that same little girl, now grown. The attraction between the two of them is instant and inexplicable. Can Evangeline free Nicola from his silver bonds? And if she does, what will happen between them?

Cover: 3.5 wings
Characters: 5 wings
Plot/Storyline: 5 wings
Sex/Steaminess: 5 wings
Overall Rating: 5 wings
Book hangover: Hell yeah!


I learned a lot of Italian phrases and words from this book, including the dirty ones, lol! I love Eve's cover model and she matches her character.I so looove this book! The storyline was great and it's not your typical vampire story.

It was really riveting and I was hooked.The characters were well developed, too. Nicola is a very sexy hero. Strong yet gentle. Harsh yet compassionate. And he's got the Italian charm going on. I love Evangeline. She's my typical book heroine. I'm really a sucker for women who can kick ass - the hero's ass included. Eve is strong, independent, smart, and stands on her own beliefs. I love their chemistry. This is one hot couple, whew! Their love story is very interesting and charming. It was sooo romantic! Please excuse my blabber I'm still suffering from the after effects of this book.

There's nothing bad that I can say about this book. I really love the story. I wasn't familiar with the author before but now I am a fan. The story was captivating and I was sucked in from start to finish. The story was very detailed. Lots of erotic and steamy scenes, too. The sex scenes were very detailed but not to the point of being smutty. I'm glad there's a second book coming up. I can't get enough of Nic and Eve just yet. If you love vampire romances you should definitely read this!
5 freaking fairy wings for this!
My Overall Rating:

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