Sunday, February 23, 2014

ღ IN A HEARTBEAT (Rebel Walking #1) by Hilary Storm: A Fire Fairy book review

Hi! Happy opening day to us fairies and visitors of the fae! I am the Fire Fairy and this is my first post. :)

I hope y'all like this too!

Cover image: 4 wings
Characters: 4 1/2 wings
Story/plot: 4 1/2 wings
Steam : 4 wings
Overall rating : 4 1/2 wings

Had a book hangover?


I won this book from a blog giveaway last year, but I didn't read it right away for two reasons:

1.) I needed to finish the books on my to-read list.

2.) I was a unsure if I was gonna like the story, but after reading good things about the book and the author, I decided to read it.

Now here's my verdict... 

I was correct. I didn't like the story. I freakin' love it! 

I was mentally cursing myself for not reading it sooner.

In a Heartbeat is the first book of the Rebel Walking Series. It is a love story about Talon, a drummer who had some bitter past which made him reluctant to open up his heart to love again... and Eaven, a college girl with a passion for photography, who also had some bad history with a cheating boyfriend. They were not ready for a relationship but can't help themselves from falling for each other.

"Why is he staring at me like that? I can't even look in his direction anymore because it is like he is taking away all of the oxygen in the room." - Eaven

This book is pretty intense! From that line, you can already feel the obvious effect they have on each other. I'm glad the POV shifts between Talon and Eaven. I wouldn't have bought the love at first sight thing and the intensity of how they feel for each other. The author did really well in describing what they feel during those moments.

The story was well written. There's a perfect mix of drama, romance, steam, and comedy (Taron and Ivy cracked me up several times).The characters are well developed. I can't help but love the Walkers and Luke. Flirting aside, they're pretty decent (except Taron, Talon's twin brother lol!) and they really care for our girls Eaven and Ivy.

"To the men we've loved. To the men we've kissed. Our healtfelt apologies to the men we've missed! Drink up bitches!"- Ivy

My favorite character is Ivy. I super love her! She's smart, caring, and really funny. Her cheers made me laugh. I love her scenes with Taron, especially when she gives him a dose of his own medicine.

These made this story more fun to read. Overall, I gave it 4 1/2 wings. It would have been 4 wings if not for Ivy and Taron. They made this story more fun to read and I would have recommended this story just for their cheers and banters, but since this is a GREAT book, I highly recommend this book to all NA fans and to those who want a short, sweet read. I'm looking forward to reading the next book. Yay, it's my favorite girl's story!


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