Tuesday, February 25, 2014

♥ ATTACHMENTS by Rainbow Rowell: A Midnight Fairy book review

Love. Purpose. Those are the things that you can’t plan for. Those are the things that just happen. And what if they don’t happen? Do you spend your whole life pining for them? Waiting to be happy?

Hi, it's the Midnight Fairy again! First of all,  I want to thank everyone for visiting our blog, facebook page, pinterest, etc. (we are literally spreading our fairy wings everywhere!) We are deeply honored by this overwhelming welcome to the book blogging world. Bookworms really rock! Thank you very much and please continue supporting us! Second, I also want to send my gratitude towards my fellow blogging fairies. Thank you so much for making me a part of this group!

Now, let's move on to my review for today. This is actually my third Rainbow Rowell book. I've read and loved her other two novels (Eleanor & Park and Fangirl) that's why I picked this one . I didn't know that Attachments is actually Rowell's first novel because I rarely pay attention on publication details etc...but yeah, I really thought this was the third one! LOL. Anyway, I enjoyed reading it, specially the emails!

Lincoln is a 28-year old employee of a local newspaper called The Courier. He works at night as a system security officer which basically means sitting in front of a computer reading other people's emails that were flagged by the email filter for possible breach of security. He stumbled on one of Beth and Jennifer's email conversations and instead sending them warnings for their repeated violations, he found himself reading their email regularly until he started feeling something for Beth.

“Lincoln?” she asked.
“Do you believe in love at first sight?
He made himself look at her face, at her wide-open eyes and earnest forehead. At her unbearably sweet mouth.
“I don’t know,” he said. “Do you believe in love before that?”

When I started reading this book, I didn't expect that I would enjoy it. Even though I was entertained by the email exchange between Jennifer and Beth, I felt like everything is moving too slow. I guess I was used to fast paced books, you know, the kind of novels where the main characters are strangers in the first chapter and then lovers the next, haha! This is definitely not that kind of book. However, as I read along, I became more connected with the characters and I find myself enjoying the slow pace. I guess that's what the author aimed for the readers all along-- to slow down, relax and enjoy the story. Attachments has a snowball effect, the characters grew in every turn of the page and the story just kept getting better and better.

<<Jennifer to Beth>> I think I’m pregnant.
<<Beth to Jennifer>> What? Why do you think you’re pregnant?
<<Jennifer to Beth>> I had three drinks last Saturday.
<<Beth to Jennifer>> I think we need to have a little talk about the birds and the bees. That’s not exactly how it happens.

The e-mail exchange between Beth and Jennifer are hilarious and something I could totally relate to. My friends and I do this all the time, except we use facebook (hello social media!). I was a nurse in my past life (pre-fairy life) and my human friends are not ashamed to ask me about anything with regards to their body issues. Just recently my friend had a pregnancy scare and I was the one who kept telling her to "take a damn pregnancy test". Anyway, I just love the relationship between the two, they talk about everything, from Jennifer pregnancy anxiety to Beth's stalking tendencies. I liked how their friendship was portrayed in the story, it felt real and beautiful.

<<Beth to Jennifer>> So, are we rooting for a positive or a negative result, here?
<<Jennifer to Beth>> Just root for me.
<<Beth to Jennifer>> I always do.
Lincoln--- now that's the character I didn't expect to like at all. At first he sound like a complete loser. He lives with his mom, has a job that he doesn't even like and a zero social life. But, as I continue reading, I find myself empathizing with Lincoln. I realized how alike our lives were. I guess, what I'm trying to say is, at one point in our lives we will find ourselves in a situation where we feel stagnant. Yeah, I think I'm at THAT point in my life right now. I'm not sure if I like what my job is )I sure don't enjoy it), but it brings money in my bank, it sounds professional and noble in paper but i don't feel like I'm growing... T.T Anyway, Lincoln's journey to find his purpose somehow gave me hope that someday i'll find mine too. =)

“It’s just that getting paid to do nothing is a constant reminder that I’m doing nothing,” Lincoln said. “And doing nothing takes more energy than you’d think. I’m tired all the time.”

I gave this book 4 fairy wings because despite how beautiful the story is, I was a little irked by the fact that the characters didn't meet sooner. Every chapter (after the 40th), I kept on looking for Beth and Lincoln's "meet cute" and I get disappointed every damn time. I just couldn't believe that the actual meeting of the main characters didn't occur until the second to the last chapter! I wish there are more Beth-Lincoln face to face interaction, I felt robbed. I need an epilogue! 

I want to add my appreciation for the secondary characters. I already mentioned how I love Beth's BFF Jennifer, but I also like her husband Mitch (even though I only knew him through the email convos). Lincoln's clingy mom is funny and just plain crazy. Lincoln's sister Eve is very supportive, I liked her too. Doris is such a sweet lady, she's a nice addition in this book. I also like Lincoln's quirky Dungeons and Dragons friends. Lincoln have a small circle of friends but they are definitely worth keeping. 

Overall, this book is a really good read. If you want to slow down and relax, read this book! It's a feel-good, funny, light adult fiction that will surely satisfy your sweet romance cravings. 

That's all for now! Midnight Fairy signing out!


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